Commit 9c41d879 by riverlet


parent 025b9f6a
Yii 安装后,就有了一个可以运行的 Yii 应用程序,你可以通过 URL `http://hostname/basic/web/index.php`
`http://hostname/index.php` 访问它,具体取决于你的配置。本章将介绍此应用程序的内置功能,代码的组织方式以及总体上程序是
Yii 安装后,就有了一个可以运行的 Yii 应用程序,你可以通过 URL `http://hostname/basic/web/index.php`
`http://hostname/index.php` 访问它,具体要取决于你的配置。本章将介绍此应用程序的内置功能,代码的组织方式以及总体上程序是怎样处理请求
> Info: 为简单起见,这个“入门”教程假设你已经将 `basic/web` 设置为了 Web 服务器的文档根目录。访问此程序的是类似
`http://hostname/index.php` 的 URL 。请根据你的实际情况,在下文描述中作相应调整。
Functionality <a name="functionality"></a>
功能 <a name="functionality"></a>
The basic application installed contains four pages:
* The homepage, displayed when you access the URL `http://hostname/index.php`,
* the "About" page,
* the "Contact" page, which displays a contact form that allows end users to contact you via email,
* and the "Login" page, which displays a login form that can be used to authenticate end users. Try logging in
with "admin/admin", and you will find the "Login" main menu item will change to "Logout".
* 首页,访问 URL `http://hostname/index.php` 时显示,
* "About" 页面,
* "Contact" 页面,显示一个联络表单,允许终端用户通过电子邮件与你联系。
* 还有 "Login" 页面,显示一个登录表单,用于验证终端用户。请尝试使用“admin/admin”登录,你将发现主菜单上原来的“Login”变成了“Logout”。
These pages share a common header and footer. The header contains a main menu bar to allow navigation
among different pages.
这些页面共享一个通用的 header 和 footer。Header 含有一个主菜单,可以导航到不同的页面。
You should also see a toolbar at the bottom of the browser window.
This is a useful [debugger tool]( provided by Yii to record and display a lot of debugging information, such as log messages, response statuses, the database queries run, and so on.
你应该还会在浏览器窗口的最下面发现有一个工具条。这是一个 Yii 提供的很有用的[调试工具](,它会记录并显示很多调试信息,
Application Structure <a name="application-structure"></a>
应用程序结构 <a name="application-structure"></a>
The most important directories and files in your application are (assuming the application's root directory is `basic`):
basic/ application base path
composer.json used by Composer, describes package information
config/ contains application and other configurations
console.php the console application configuration
web.php the Web application configuration
commands/ contains console command classes
controllers/ contains controller classes
models/ contains model classes
runtime/ contains files generated by Yii during runtime, such as logs and cache files
vendor/ contains the installed Composer packages, including the Yii framework itself
views/ contains view files
web/ application Web root, contains Web accessible files
assets/ contains published asset files (javascript and css) by Yii
index.php the entry (or bootstrap) script for the application
yii the Yii console command execution script
basic/ 应用程序根目录
composer.json 用于 Composer,描述包的信息
config/ 包含应用程序及其他配置信息。
console.php 控制台应用程序配置
web.php Web 应用程序配置
commands/ 包含控制台命令类
controllers/ 包含控制器类
models/ 包含模型类
runtime/ 包含 Yii 运行时产生的文件,例如日志和缓存文件等
vendor/ 包含已安装的 Componser 包,包括 Yii 框架本身。
views/ 包含视图文件
web/ 应用程序 Web 根目录,包含可通过 Web 访问的文件
assets/ 包含 Yii 已发布的资源文件(javascript 和 css)
index.php 应用程序的入口(或引导)脚本
yii Yii 控制台命令可执行脚本
In general, the files in the application can be divided into two types: those under `basic/web` and those
under other directories. The former can be directly accessed via HTTP (i.e., in a browser), while the latter can not and should not be.
总体上,应用程序中的文件可以分为两类:位于 `basic/web` 中的和那些位于其他目录中的。前者可通过 HTTP (例如,在一个浏览器中)直接访问,
Yii implements the [model-view-controller (MVC)]( design pattern,
which is reflected in the above directory organization. The `models` directory contains all [model classes](,
the `views` directory contains all [view scripts](, and the `controllers` directory contains
all [controller classes](
Yii 实现了 [模型-视图-控制器 (MVC)]( 设计模式,在上述目录组织中也有体现。
`models` 目录中包含了所有的[模型类](`views` 目录包含了所有的[视图脚本](
`controllers` 目录包含了所有[控制器类](
The following diagram shows the static structure of an application.
![Static Structure of Application](images/application-structure.png)
Each application has an entry script `web/index.php` which is the only Web accessible PHP script in the application.
The entry script takes an incoming request and creates an [application]( instance to handle it.
The [application]( resolves the request with the help of its [components](,
and dispatches the request to the MVC elements. [Widgets]( are used in the [views](
to help build complex and dynamic user interface elements.
每个应用程序都有一个入口脚本 `web/index.php`,它是应用程序中仅有的可通过 Web 访问的 PHP 脚本。这个入口脚本接收一个传入请求并创建一个
[应用程序]( 实例处理该请求。[应用程序](在其[组件](
的帮助下解析请求并将请求分派到 MVC 元素上。[视图](中使用[挂件](协助构建复杂动态的用户接口
Request Lifecycle <a name="request-lifecycle"></a>
请求的生命周期 <a name="request-lifecycle"></a>
The following diagram shows how an application handles a request.
![Request Lifecycle](images/application-lifecycle.png)
1. A user makes a request to the [entry script]( `web/index.php`.
2. The entry script loads the application [configuration]( and creates
an [application]( instance to handle the request.
3. The application resolves the requested [route]( with the help of
the [request]( application component.
4. The application creates a [controller]( instance to handle the request.
5. The controller creates an [action]( instance and performs the filters for the action.
6. If any filter fails, the action is cancelled.
7. If all filters pass, the action is executed.
8. The action loads a data model, possibly from a database.
9. The action renders a view, providing it with the data model.
10. The rendered result is returned to the [response]( application component.
11. The response component sends the rendered result to the user's browser.
1. 一个用户提交了对[入口脚本(entry script)]( `web/index.php` 的请求。
2. 入口脚本加载应用程序[配置信息(configuration)](并创建一个[应用程序](
3. 应用程序在[请求(request)]应用程序组件的协助下解析所请求的[路由(route)](
4. 应用程序创建一个[控制器(controller)](实例处理该请求。
5. 控制器创建了一个[动作(action)](实例,执行动作中的过滤器(filter)。
6. 如果有任何一个过滤器处理失败,则动作取消。
7. 如果所有的过滤器都执行通过,则动作执行。
8. 动作载入一个数据模型,可能是从一个数据库中加载。
9. 动作渲染一个视图(view),给它提供数据模型。
10. 渲染结果返回给[响应(response)](应用程序组件。
11. 响应组件发送渲染结果到用户的浏览器。
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