Commit 741bb4e5 by Rizky Sianturi

Initial commit

function varargout = ForecastingData(varargin)
% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
gui_Singleton = 1;
gui_State = struct('gui_Name', 'PrediksiSaham', ...
'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...
'gui_OpeningFcn', @ForecastingData_OpeningFcn, ...
'gui_OutputFcn', @ForecastingData_OutputFcn, ...
'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...
'gui_Callback', []);
if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})
gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});
if nargout
[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT
% --- Executes just before ForecastingData is made visible.
function ForecastingData_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
% Choose default command line output for ForecastingData
handles.output = hObject;
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);
% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.
function varargout = ForecastingData_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% Get default command line output from handles structure
varargout{1} = handles.output;
% --- Executes on button press in pushButtonPrediksi.
function pushButtonPrediksi_allback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% --- Executes on button press in pushButtonHasil.
function pushButtonHasil_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% --- Executes on button press in pushButtonLoadData.
function pushButtonLoadData_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global lenTrain;
global lenTest;
global tableStatus;
global dataExcel;
global hargaSahamTxt;
global dataTabel;
global target;
global crossOverName;
global er;
crossOverName = 'double';
er = 0.01;
% persiapan data train dan data test
% baca file excel dan txt
[hargaSahamXls,path] = uigetfile('.xlsx');
% buka data excel
[dataExcel] = xlsread(fullfile(path,hargaSahamXls));
data_size = length(dataExcel);
lenTrain = 5;
lenTest = data_size-lenTrain;
grid on
grid minor
legend('Harga Saham');
xlabel('hari ke-');
msgbox({'Tipe data tidak valid';'Mohon pilih filfe yang sesuai (xls/xlsx)'});
%kode program untuk membuat tabel data
k = 1;
for i=1:152
for j=1:5
dataTabel(j,i) = dataExcel(k);
k = k+1;
msgbox('Gagal memuat data');
%% tulis data saham dari excel ke txt
j = data_size;
[hargaSahamTxt] = ('Harga Saham\data_saham.txt');
fid = fopen(hargaSahamTxt, 'w');
a = 1;
b = 762;
for n=lenTest:-1:1
col = 1;
Y(a) = dataExcel(b);
fprintf(fid, '%d\t', Y(a));
for m=j-1:-1:n
X(col) = dataExcel(m);
fprintf(fid, '%d\t', X(col));
col = col+1;
for m=j-1:-1:n
X(col) = dataExcel(m)^2;
fprintf(fid, '%d\t', X(col));
col = col+1;
j = j-1;
a = a+1;
b = b-1;
target = dlmread(hargaSahamTxt,'',0,0);
msgbox({'Gagal mengonversi data'; 'dari (.xls/.xlsx) ke (.txt)'});
% --- Executes on button press in buttonProcessForecasting.
function buttonProcessForecasting_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global target;
global popSize;
global crossOverRate;
global mutationRate;
global iteration;
global BestChrom;
global er;
global uji_prediksi;
global RMSE;
global data_saham_aktual;
global dataUjiPrediksi;
global size;
global prediksiHasil;
global bestValueTxt;
global delimiter;
global formatSpec;
global dataArrayGA;
global bestKromosom;
popSize = 100;
crossOverRate = 0.9;
mutationRate = 0.1;
iteration = 1000;
delimiter = '\t';
formatSpec = '%s%f%f%[^\n\r]';
bestValueTxt = ('Harga Saham\data_tabel_prediksi.txt');
data_saham_aktual = target(1:5);
er = 0.01;
[BestChrom] = GA(target, popSize, crossOverRate, mutationRate, iteration, er);
disp('The best fitness kromosom: ')
disp('The best error value: ')
t = toc
msgbox({'Data yang dimasukkan tidak lengkap';'Mohon lengkapi data untuk prediksi'});
global root_mean_square_error;
uji_prediksi = pengujian_data(BestChrom.kromosom.gen, RMSE, target);
root_mean_square_error =;
size = 5;
dataUjiPrediksi = ('Harga Saham\data_uji_prediksi.txt');
prediksiHasil = prediksi_data(size, target, dataUjiPrediksi, BestChrom);
if (prediksiHasil <= -prediksiHasil)
prediksiHasil = (prediksiHasil*(-1));
fileID = fopen(bestValueTxt, 'r');
dataArrayGA = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'ReturnOnError', false);
bestKromosom = BestChrom.kromosom.gen
msgbox({'Proses Algoritma Genetika telah selesai';'Silakan tekan tombol Lihat Hasil';'untuk melihat hasilnya'});
catch %%exception
%msgText = getReport (exception)
msgbox('Proses persiapan data lanjutan tidak berhasil');
% proses GA
function [BestKromosom] = GA( target, popSize, cr_rate, mt_rate, max_generation, er)
global rowTarget;
global colTarget;
% menginisialisasi populasi
[rowTarget, colTarget] = size(target);
g = 1;
disp(['Generation #' , num2str(g)]);
yAksen = zeros;
m = 1;
while m <= popSize
% menginisialisasi populasi
[population.kromosom(m).gen, population.kromosom(m).koefisien] = initialize_population( popSize, colTarget );
% menghitung nilai fitness
[population.kromosom(m).fitness, yAksen(m)] = calculate_fitness( target, population.kromosom(m).gen, population.kromosom(m).koefisien );
% pengecekan apakah anda nilai regresi yang negatif
neg = any(yAksen(m)<0);
if (neg) == 1
m = m-1;
m = m+1;
% urutkan fitness -> elitism
[max_val , indx] = sort([ population.kromosom(:).fitness ] , 'descend');
%% main loop
for g = 2 : max_generation
disp(['Generation @#' , num2str(g)]);
for k = 1: 2: popSize
% tournament selection
% size(population.kromosom(:)) -> panjang kromosom
% (chromosome length)
% 'selection'
[parent1,parent2] = selection(population);
% reproduksi
% cross over
% 'cross over'
[child1 , child2] = crossover(parent1 , parent2, cr_rate);
% mutation
% 'mutasi'
[child1] = mutation(child1, mt_rate);
[child2] = mutation(child2, mt_rate);
newPopulation.kromosom(k) = child1;
newPopulation.kromosom(k+1) = child2;
for i = 1 : popSize
newPopulation.kromosom(i).fitness = calculate_fitness(target, newPopulation.kromosom(i).gen, newPopulation.kromosom(i).koefisien);
% regeneration
[ newPopulation ] = regeneration(population, newPopulation, er);
population = newPopulation;
BestKromosom.kromosom.gen = population(1).kromosom.gen;
BestKromosom.kromosom.koefisien = population(1).kromosom.koefisien; = population(1);
msgbox('Proses GA tidak berhasil');
function [ gen, koefisien ] = initialize_population( ukuran_populasi, panjang_kromosom )
for j = 1 : panjang_kromosom
gen(j) = randi([0 1]);
koefisien(j) = -1 + (2) .* rand(1,1);
msgbox('Proses inisialisasi populasi gagal');
% this is tournament selection
function [parent1, parent2] = selection(population)
global popSize;
% ukuran turnament pool
tournament_size = 4;
% [sorted_fitness_values , sorted_kromosom] = sort(normalized_fitness , 'descend');
for i=1:2
for j=1:tournament_size
counter = randi ([1 popSize]);
temp_population.kromosom(j) = population.kromosom(counter);
[max_val , indx] = sort([ temp_population.kromosom(:).fitness ] , 'descend');
parent(i) = temp_population.kromosom(1);
parent1 = parent(1);
parent2 = parent(2);
msgbox('Proses seleksi gagal');
% this is fitness selection
function [pop] = selectionFitness(population)
% Inisialisasi temporeri populasi
temppop = population;
% Mengurutkan temppop berdasarkan nilai fitness tertinggi
[max_val , indx] = sort([ temppop.kromosom(:).fitness ] , 'descend');
% Menyimpan 50 nilai fitness tertinggi
for i=1:50
temp_population.kromosom(i) = temppop.kromosom(i);
% Mengembalikan nilai populasi
pop = temp_population;
msgbox('Proses seleksi fitness gagal');
% --- Executes on button press in buttonProcessForecastingAGA.
function buttonProcessForecastingAGA_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global target;
global popSize;
global crossOverRate;
global mutationRate;
global iteration;
global BestChrom;
global er;
global uji_prediksi;
global RMSE;
global data_saham_aktual;
global dataUjiPrediksi;
global size;
global prediksiHasil;
global bestValueTxt;
global delimiter;
global formatSpec;
global dataArrayAGA;
global bestKromosom;
popSize = 100;
crossOverRate = 0.9;
mutationRate = 0.013;
iteration = 1000;
delimiter = '\t';
formatSpec = '%s%f%f%[^\n\r]';
bestValueTxt = ('Harga Saham\data_tabel_prediksi.txt');
data_saham_aktual = target(1:5);
er = 0.01;
[BestChrom] = AGA(target, popSize, crossOverRate, mutationRate, iteration, er);
disp('The best fitness kromosom: ')
disp('The best error value: ')
t = toc
msgbox({'Data yang dimasukkan tidak lengkap';'Mohon lengkapi data untuk prediksi'});
global root_mean_square_error_AGA;
uji_prediksi = pengujian_data(BestChrom.kromosom.gen, RMSE, target);
root_mean_square_error_AGA =;
size = 5;
dataUjiPrediksi = ('Harga Saham\data_uji_prediksi.txt');
prediksiHasil = prediksi_data(size, target, dataUjiPrediksi, BestChrom);
if (prediksiHasil <= -prediksiHasil)
prediksiHasil = (prediksiHasil*(-1));
fileID = fopen(bestValueTxt, 'r');
dataArrayAGA = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'ReturnOnError', false);
bestKromosom = BestChrom.kromosom.gen
msgbox({'Proses Algoritma Genetika telah selesai';'Silakan tekan tombol Lihat Hasil';'untuk melihat hasilnya'});
catch %%exception
%msgText = getReport (exception)
msgbox('Proses persiapan data lanjutan tidak berhasil');
% proses AGA
function [BestKromosom] = AGA( target, popSize, cr_rate, mt_rate, max_generation, er)
global rowTarget;
global colTarget;
% menginisialisasi populasi
[rowTarget, colTarget] = size(target);
g = 1;
disp(['Generation #' , num2str(g)]);
yAksen = zeros;
m = 1;
while m <= popSize
% menginisialisasi populasi
[population.kromosom(m).gen, population.kromosom(m).koefisien] = initialize_population( popSize, colTarget );
% menghitung nilai fitness
[population.kromosom(m).fitness, yAksen(m)] = calculate_fitness( target, population.kromosom(m).gen, population.kromosom(m).koefisien );
% pengecekan apakah anda nilai regresi yang negatif
neg = any(yAksen(m)<0);
if (neg) == 1
m = m-1;
m = m+1;
% urutkan fitness -> elitism
[max_val , indx] = sort([ population.kromosom(:).fitness ] , 'descend');
%% main loop
for g = 2 : max_generation
disp(['Generation #' , num2str(g)]);
for k = 1: 2: popSize
% tournament selection
% size(population.kromosom(:)) -> panjang kromosom
% (chromosome length)
% 'selection'
% Seleksi populasi dengan 50 nilai fitness tertingii
[popFitness] = selectionFitness(population);
% Seleksi parent dengan menggunakan PSO
[parent1,parent2] = selectionPSO(popFitness);
% reproduksi
% cross over
% 'cross over'
[child1 , child2] = crossover(parent1 , parent2, cr_rate);
% mutation
% 'mutasi'
[child1] = mutation(child1, mt_rate);
[child2] = mutation(child2, mt_rate);
newPopulation.kromosom(k) = child1;
newPopulation.kromosom(k+1) = child2;
for i = 1 : popSize
newPopulation.kromosom(i).fitness = calculate_fitness(target, newPopulation.kromosom(i).gen, newPopulation.kromosom(i).koefisien);
% regeneration
[ newPopulation ] = regeneration(population, newPopulation, er);
population = newPopulation;
BestKromosom.kromosom.gen = population(1).kromosom.gen;
BestKromosom.kromosom.koefisien = population(1).kromosom.koefisien; = population(1);
msgbox('Proses GA tidak berhasil');
function [fitness,regresi] = calculate_fitness( dataset, populasi, koefisien )
global rowDataset;
global colDataset;
[rowDataset, colDataset] = size(dataset);
% nilai awal sumx di-state sebagai array pertama chromosome
sumx = zeros;
for i=1:rowDataset
sumx(i) = populasi(1) * koefisien(1);
for j=2:colDataset
sumx(i) = sumx(i) + (populasi(j) * koefisien(j) * dataset(i,j));
regresi = sum(sumx);
square = 0;
jumlah = 0;
for i=1:rowDataset
square = power((dataset(i,1)-sumx(i)),2);
jumlah = jumlah + square;
error = sqrt(jumlah)/rowDataset;
fitness = 1/error;
msgbox('Proses penghitungan nilai fitness gagal');
% this is tournament selection
function [parent1, parent2] = selectionPSO(population)
% Jumlah populasi
global size;
size = 50;
% Nilai batasan posisi
% Initialize Constants
% Jumlah seleksi yang diinginkan
% Jumlah iterasi
% Fungsi nilai rata-rata
% Initialize Pariticles
for i=1:size
tempVar = randperm(Boundary(2));
Positions(i,:) = tempVar(1:nOfSelection);
% velocity initialization
Velocity = ones(size,nOfSelection);
% Initialize Global best
itration = 1;
globalBest.value(itration) = inf;
%% Optimizing
Particles = struct;
% Calculating Fitness Values
for i=1:size
% Inisialisasi posisi partikel
Particles(itration).position(i,:) = Positions(i,:);
% Membuat array berdasarkan nilai fitness pada posisi tertentu
% Cth: nilai posisi 3 sehingga nilai fitness yang dipakai
% adalah kromosom nomer 3
fit = [population.kromosom(Positions(i,1)).fitness population.kromosom(Positions(i,2)).fitness];
% Merata-rata nilai fitness untuk dijadikan nilai partikel
Particles(itration).value(i) = fun(fit);
% Update Position Best
[Particlesbest.value(itration),ind] = min(Particles(itration).value);
Particlesbest.position(itration,:) = Particles(itration).position(ind,:);
% Update Global Best
if globalBest.value(itration) > Particlesbest.value(itration)
[globalBest.value(itration),globalBest.value(itration+1)] = deal(Particlesbest.value(itration));
globalBest.position(itration,:) = Positions(ind(1),:);
globalBest.value(itration+1) = globalBest.value(itration);
globalBest.position(itration,:) = globalBest.position(itration-1,:);
disp('gbest value of fitness=---->')
% Velocity Update\
Velocity = (weight*Velocity) + (constant1*rand(1)*(repmat(Particlesbest.position(itration,:),size,1)-Positions)) + ...
% Postion Update
Positions = Positions+round(Velocity);
% Boundary Checking for Position
Positions(Positions>Boundary(2)) = round(rand(1)*(Boundary(2)-1))+1;
Positions(Positions<Boundary(1)) = round(rand(1)*(Boundary(2)-1))+1;
for i=1:size
if length(unique( Positions(i,:) )) ~= nOfSelection
tempVar = randperm(Boundary(2));
Positions(i,:) = tempVar(1:nOfSelection);
% Loop Breaking is Positions all are same or itertion acheived maximum
% itertion
for i=1:size-1;
if Positions(i,:) == Positions(i+1,:)
count = count+1;
if (count == size-1) || (itration >= itrationMax)
fprintf('\n******Iteration completed******\n')
itration = itration+1;
parent1 = population.kromosom(Selection(1));
parent2 = population.kromosom(Selection(2));
msgbox('Proses seleksi PSO gagal');
% proses crossover
function [child1,child2] = crossover(parent1,parent2, cr_rate)
global colTarget;
child1 = parent1;
child2 = parent2;
ub = colTarget - 1;
lb = 1;
Cross_P1 = abs(round ( (ub - lb) *rand() + lb ));
Cross_P2 = Cross_P1;
while Cross_P2 == Cross_P1
Cross_P2 = abs(round ( (ub - lb) *rand() + lb ));
if Cross_P1 > Cross_P2
temp = Cross_P1;
Cross_P1 = Cross_P2;
Cross_P2 = temp;
Part1 = parent1.gen(1:Cross_P1);
Part2 = parent2.gen(Cross_P1 + 1 :Cross_P2);
Part3 = parent1.gen(Cross_P2+1:end);
child1.gen = [Part1 , Part2 , Part3];
Part1 = parent2.gen(1:Cross_P1);
Part2 = parent1.gen(Cross_P1 + 1 :Cross_P2);
Part3 = parent2.gen(Cross_P2+1:end);
child2.gen = [Part1 , Part2 , Part3];
R1 = rand();
if R1 <= cr_rate
child1 = child1;
child1 = parent1;
R2 = rand();
if R2 <= cr_rate
child2 = child2;
child2 = parent2;
catch %exception
%msgReport (exception)
msgbox('Proses cross over gagal');
% proses mutasi
function [child] = mutation(child,mutation_rate)
global colTarget;
for k = 1: colTarget
R = rand();
if R < mutation_rate
child.gen(k) = ~ child.gen(k);
msgbox('Proses mutasi gagal');
% proses regenerasi
function [ newPopulation2 ] = regeneration(population , newPopulation, Er)
global popSize;
Elite_no = round(popSize * Er);
[max_val , indx] = sort([ population.kromosom(:).fitness ] , 'descend');
% The elites from the previous population
for k = 1 : Elite_no
newPopulation2.kromosom(k).gen = population.kromosom(indx(k)).gen;
newPopulation2.kromosom(k).koefisien = population.kromosom(indx(k)).koefisien;
newPopulation2.kromosom(k).fitness = population.kromosom(indx(k)).fitness;
% The rest from the new population
for k = Elite_no + 1 : popSize
newPopulation2.kromosom(k).gen = newPopulation.kromosom(k).gen;
newPopulation2.kromosom(k).koefisien = newPopulation.kromosom(k).koefisien;
newPopulation2.kromosom(k).fitness = newPopulation.kromosom(k).fitness;
msgbox('Proses regenerasi gagal');
% proses evaluasi
function islooping = evaluation(population)
global popSize;
for i=1:popSize
if population(i).fitness > 100
islooping = false;
islooping = true;
msgbox('Proses evaluasi gagal');
function [ data_uji ] = pengujian_data( kromosom, error, target )
% Y^2 - 2Y'Y + (Y'^2-RMSE^2) = 0
% a=1 ; b=-2Y' ; c=(Y'^2-RMSE^2)
% Y'~>regresi <=> kromosom*target
% RMSE=error
% rumus mencari akar-akar dari persamaan kuadrat dengan rumus a,b,c
% (x1,x2) = [(-b)<+/->(square(b^2-4*a*c))]/(2*a)
global rowDataset;
global colDataset;
for i=1:rowDataset
regresi(i) = kromosom(1);
for j=2:colDataset
regresi(i) = regresi(i) + (kromosom(j)*target(i,j));
data_uji(i) = regresi(i)+error;
% --- Executes on button press in buttonLihatHasil.
function buttonLihatHasil_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global data_saham_aktual;
global uji_prediksi;
global data_prediksi_saham;
data_prediksi_saham = getappdata(0, 'prediksiHasil')
data_saham_aktual = getappdata(0,'data_saham_aktual');
uji_prediksi = getappdata(0,'uji_prediksi');
plot(1:size(data_prediksi_saham,2), data_prediksi_saham,'b');
%%plot(1:size(data_saham_aktual,2), data_saham_aktual,'g');
%%plot(1:size(data_saham_aktual), flip(data_saham_aktual),'g',1:size(data_prediksi_saham,2),flip(data_prediksi_saham),'r');
grid on
grid minor
legend('Data Prediksi','asdsad')
xlabel('hari ke-');
handles.textGantiPerbandinganPrediksi.String = {'Perbandingan Data Aktual dan Data Prediksi Harga Saham';'pada tahun 2016-2019'};
global root_mean_square_error;
global root_mean_square_error_AGA;
root_mean_square_error = getappdata(0,'root_mean_square_error');
root_mean_square_error_AGA = getappdata(0,'root_mean_square_error_AGA');
set(handles.uitable1,'data',round(data_prediksi_saham),'ColumnName',{'Hari 1','Hari 2','Hari 3','Hari 4','Hari 5'});
function [dataPrediksi] = prediksi_data(size, target, dataUjiPrediksi, BestChrom)
global counter;
global errorPredict;
counter = length(target);
fid2 = fopen(dataUjiPrediksi, 'w');
for prepare=1:5
dataPreparation(prepare) = target(counter);
counter = counter - 1;
for predict=1:size
for kolom1=1:size
preX(predict,kolom1) = dataPreparation(kolom1);
fprintf(fid2, '%d\t', preX(predict,kolom1));
for kolom2=(size+1):(2*size)
preX(predict,kolom2) = dataPreparation(kolom2-5);
fprintf(fid2, '%d\t', preX(predict,kolom2).^2);
fprintf(fid2, '\n');
temp_dataPreparation = dataPreparation;
% regresiData = randi([0,100],1,1);
[~,regresiData] = calculate_fitness(temp_dataPreparation, BestChrom.kromosom.gen, BestChrom.kromosom.koefisien);
dataPreparation(1) = regresiData+errorPredict;
for swap=2:5
dataPreparation(swap) = temp_dataPreparation(swap-1);
dataPrediksi = abs(dataPreparation(end:-1:1));
msgbox('Proses prediksi data gagal');
function simpanButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to savebutton (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
global data_prediksi_saham;
data_prediksi_saham = getappdata(0, 'prediksiHasil')
[excelName,excelPath] = uiputfile('*.xlsx')
headers = {'Hari 1','Hari 2','Hari 3','Hari 4','Hari 5'};
data = get(handles.uitable1, 'data');
datacell = num2cell(data);
a = [headers;datacell];
x1Range = 'Prediksi Saham'
xlswrite([excelPath excelName],a,x1Range)
catch exception
%msgbox('Proses prediksi data gagal');
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function panelGA_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
set(handles.panelGA, 'visible', 'off');
% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.
function panelAGA_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
set(handles.panelAGA, 'visible', 'off');
83625 83625 83625 84100 84100 82825 6993140625 6993140625 7072810000 7072810000 6859980625
83625 83625 84100 84100 82825 82825 6993140625 7072810000 7072810000 6859980625 6859980625
83625 84100 84100 82825 82825 82825 7072810000 7072810000 6859980625 6859980625 6859980625
84100 84100 82825 82825 82825 82600 7072810000 6859980625 6859980625 6859980625 6822760000
84100 82825 82825 82825 82600 83350 6859980625 6859980625 6859980625 6822760000 6947222500
82825 82825 82825 82600 83350 80650 6859980625 6859980625 6822760000 6947222500 6504422500
82825 82825 82600 83350 80650 81150 6859980625 6822760000 6947222500 6504422500 6585322500
82825 82600 83350 80650 81150 82800 6822760000 6947222500 6504422500 6585322500 6855840000
82600 83350 80650 81150 82800 82450 6947222500 6504422500 6585322500 6855840000 6798002500
83350 80650 81150 82800 82450 80975 6504422500 6585322500 6855840000 6798002500 6556950625
80650 81150 82800 82450 80975 81050 6585322500 6855840000 6798002500 6556950625 6569102500
81150 82800 82450 80975 81050 82800 6855840000 6798002500 6556950625 6569102500 6855840000
82800 82450 80975 81050 82800 83825 6798002500 6556950625 6569102500 6855840000 7026630625
82450 80975 81050 82800 83825 81525 6556950625 6569102500 6855840000 7026630625 6646325625
80975 81050 82800 83825 81525 80825 6569102500 6855840000 7026630625 6646325625 6532680625
81050 82800 83825 81525 80825 79975 6855840000 7026630625 6646325625 6532680625 6396000625
82800 83825 81525 80825 79975 81050 7026630625 6646325625 6532680625 6396000625 6569102500
83825 81525 80825 79975 81050 82000 6646325625 6532680625 6396000625 6569102500 6724000000
81525 80825 79975 81050 82000 83525 6532680625 6396000625 6569102500 6724000000 6976425625
80825 79975 81050 82000 83525 82400 6396000625 6569102500 6724000000 6976425625 6789760000
79975 81050 82000 83525 82400 80450 6569102500 6724000000 6976425625 6789760000 6472202500
81050 82000 83525 82400 80450 79525 6724000000 6976425625 6789760000 6472202500 6324225625
82000 83525 82400 80450 79525 80500 6976425625 6789760000 6472202500 6324225625 6480250000
83525 82400 80450 79525 80500 80200 6789760000 6472202500 6324225625 6480250000 6432040000
82400 80450 79525 80500 80200 79375 6472202500 6324225625 6480250000 6432040000 6300390625
80450 79525 80500 80200 79375 78200 6324225625 6480250000 6432040000 6300390625 6115240000
79525 80500 80200 79375 78200 78200 6480250000 6432040000 6300390625 6115240000 6115240000
80500 80200 79375 78200 78200 78550 6432040000 6300390625 6115240000 6115240000 6170102500
80200 79375 78200 78200 78550 77050 6300390625 6115240000 6115240000 6170102500 5936702500
79375 78200 78200 78550 77050 77050 6115240000 6115240000 6170102500 5936702500 5936702500
78200 78200 78550 77050 77050 77000 6115240000 6170102500 5936702500 5936702500 5929000000
78200 78550 77050 77050 77000 75700 6170102500 5936702500 5936702500 5929000000 5730490000
78550 77050 77050 77000 75700 77500 5936702500 5936702500 5929000000 5730490000 6006250000
77050 77050 77000 75700 77500 80000 5936702500 5929000000 5730490000 6006250000 6400000000
77050 77000 75700 77500 80000 79550 5929000000 5730490000 6006250000 6400000000 6328202500
77000 75700 77500 80000 79550 80025 5730490000 6006250000 6400000000 6328202500 6404000625
75700 77500 80000 79550 80025 79900 6006250000 6400000000 6328202500 6404000625 6384010000
77500 80000 79550 80025 79900 77075 6400000000 6328202500 6404000625 6384010000 5940555625
80000 79550 80025 79900 77075 72300 6328202500 6404000625 6384010000 5940555625 5227290000
79550 80025 79900 77075 72300 72300 6404000625 6384010000 5940555625 5227290000 5227290000
80025 79900 77075 72300 72300 72400 6384010000 5940555625 5227290000 5227290000 5241760000
79900 77075 72300 72300 72400 73200 5940555625 5227290000 5227290000 5241760000 5358240000
77075 72300 72300 72400 73200 74000 5227290000 5227290000 5241760000 5358240000 5476000000
72300 72300 72400 73200 74000 74050 5227290000 5241760000 5358240000 5476000000 5483402500
72300 72400 73200 74000 74050 75300 5241760000 5358240000 5476000000 5483402500 5670090000
72400 73200 74000 74050 75300 78000 5358240000 5476000000 5483402500 5670090000 6084000000
73200 74000 74050 75300 78000 80025 5476000000 5483402500 5670090000 6084000000 6404000625
74000 74050 75300 78000 80025 78475 5483402500 5670090000 6084000000 6404000625 6158325625
74050 75300 78000 80025 78475 79400 5670090000 6084000000 6404000625 6158325625 6304360000
75300 78000 80025 78475 79400 77950 6084000000 6404000625 6158325625 6304360000 6076202500
78000 80025 78475 79400 77950 76000 6404000625 6158325625 6304360000 6076202500 5776000000
80025 78475 79400 77950 76000 73200 6158325625 6304360000 6076202500 5776000000 5358240000
78475 79400 77950 76000 73200 74275 6304360000 6076202500 5776000000 5358240000 5516775625
79400 77950 76000 73200 74275 74725 6076202500 5776000000 5358240000 5516775625 5583825625
77950 76000 73200 74275 74725 75350 5776000000 5358240000 5516775625 5583825625 5677622500
76000 73200 74275 74725 75350 74000 5358240000 5516775625 5583825625 5677622500 5476000000
73200 74275 74725 75350 74000 74800 5516775625 5583825625 5677622500 5476000000 5595040000
74275 74725 75350 74000 74800 71775 5583825625 5677622500 5476000000 5595040000 5151650625
74725 75350 74000 74800 71775 72100 5677622500 5476000000 5595040000 5151650625 5198410000
75350 74000 74800 71775 72100 73000 5476000000 5595040000 5151650625 5198410000 5329000000
74000 74800 71775 72100 73000 74300 5595040000 5151650625 5198410000 5329000000 5520490000
74800 71775 72100 73000 74300 73500 5151650625 5198410000 5329000000 5520490000 5402250000
71775 72100 73000 74300 73500 74050 5198410000 5329000000 5520490000 5402250000 5483402500
72100 73000 74300 73500 74050 75000 5329000000 5520490000 5402250000 5483402500 5625000000
73000 74300 73500 74050 75000 72750 5520490000 5402250000 5483402500 5625000000 5292562500
74300 73500 74050 75000 72750 74000 5402250000 5483402500 5625000000 5292562500 5476000000
73500 74050 75000 72750 74000 72800 5483402500 5625000000 5292562500 5476000000 5299840000
74050 75000 72750 74000 72800 75025 5625000000 5292562500 5476000000 5299840000 5628750625
75000 72750 74000 72800 75025 75500 5292562500 5476000000 5299840000 5628750625 5700250000
72750 74000 72800 75025 75500 74500 5476000000 5299840000 5628750625 5700250000 5550250000
74000 72800 75025 75500 74500 72200 5299840000 5628750625 5700250000 5550250000 5212840000
72800 75025 75500 74500 72200 72975 5628750625 5700250000 5550250000 5212840000 5325350625
75025 75500 74500 72200 72975 75725 5700250000 5550250000 5212840000 5325350625 5734275625
75500 74500 72200 72975 75725 74400 5550250000 5212840000 5325350625 5734275625 5535360000
74500 72200 72975 75725 74400 74000 5212840000 5325350625 5734275625 5535360000 5476000000
72200 72975 75725 74400 74000 73400 5325350625 5734275625 5535360000 5476000000 5387560000
72975 75725 74400 74000 73400 73400 5734275625 5535360000 5476000000 5387560000 5387560000
75725 74400 74000 73400 73400 73375 5535360000 5476000000 5387560000 5387560000 5383890625
74400 74000 73400 73400 73375 71175 5476000000 5387560000 5387560000 5383890625 5065880625
74000 73400 73400 73375 71175 70725 5387560000 5387560000 5383890625 5065880625 5002025625
73400 73400 73375 71175 70725 72900 5387560000 5383890625 5065880625 5002025625 5314410000
73400 73375 71175 70725 72900 71800 5383890625 5065880625 5002025625 5314410000 5155240000
73375 71175 70725 72900 71800 73000 5065880625 5002025625 5314410000 5155240000 5329000000
71175 70725 72900 71800 73000 73000 5002025625 5314410000 5155240000 5329000000 5329000000
70725 72900 71800 73000 73000 73375 5314410000 5155240000 5329000000 5329000000 5383890625
72900 71800 73000 73000 73375 74150 5155240000 5329000000 5329000000 5383890625 5498222500
71800 73000 73000 73375 74150 73500 5329000000 5329000000 5383890625 5498222500 5402250000
73000 73000 73375 74150 73500 74000 5329000000 5383890625 5498222500 5402250000 5476000000
73000 73375 74150 73500 74000 75525 5383890625 5498222500 5402250000 5476000000 5704025625
73375 74150 73500 74000 75525 74525 5498222500 5402250000 5476000000 5704025625 5553975625
74150 73500 74000 75525 74525 74525 5402250000 5476000000 5704025625 5553975625 5553975625
73500 74000 75525 74525 74525 73275 5476000000 5704025625 5553975625 5553975625 5369225625
74000 75525 74525 74525 73275 71600 5704025625 5553975625 5553975625 5369225625 5126560000
75525 74525 74525 73275 71600 71600 5553975625 5553975625 5369225625 5126560000 5126560000
74525 74525 73275 71600 71600 71800 5553975625 5369225625 5126560000 5126560000 5155240000
74525 73275 71600 71600 71800 73500 5369225625 5126560000 5126560000 5155240000 5402250000
73275 71600 71600 71800 73500 75000 5126560000 5126560000 5155240000 5402250000 5625000000
71600 71600 71800 73500 75000 77000 5126560000 5155240000 5402250000 5625000000 5929000000
71600 71800 73500 75000 77000 76000 5155240000 5402250000 5625000000 5929000000 5776000000
71800 73500 75000 77000 76000 77000 5402250000 5625000000 5929000000 5776000000 5929000000
73500 75000 77000 76000 77000 76000 5625000000 5929000000 5776000000 5929000000 5776000000
75000 77000 76000 77000 76000 74375 5929000000 5776000000 5929000000 5776000000 5531640625
77000 76000 77000 76000 74375 75000 5776000000 5929000000 5776000000 5531640625 5625000000
76000 77000 76000 74375 75000 74650 5929000000 5776000000 5531640625 5625000000 5572622500
77000 76000 74375 75000 74650 75000 5776000000 5531640625 5625000000 5572622500 5625000000
76000 74375 75000 74650 75000 75150 5531640625 5625000000 5572622500 5625000000 5647522500
74375 75000 74650 75000 75150 74400 5625000000 5572622500 5625000000 5647522500 5535360000
75000 74650 75000 75150 74400 72550 5572622500 5625000000 5647522500 5535360000 5263502500
74650 75000 75150 74400 72550 70550 5625000000 5647522500 5535360000 5263502500 4977302500
75000 75150 74400 72550 70550 70550 5647522500 5535360000 5263502500 4977302500 4977302500
75150 74400 72550 70550 70550 71350 5535360000 5263502500 4977302500 4977302500 5090822500
74400 72550 70550 70550 71350 71350 5263502500 4977302500 4977302500 5090822500 5090822500
72550 70550 70550 71350 71350 71000 4977302500 4977302500 5090822500 5090822500 5041000000
70550 70550 71350 71350 71000 69275 4977302500 5090822500 5090822500 5041000000 4799025625
70550 71350 71350 71000 69275 70000 5090822500 5090822500 5041000000 4799025625 4900000000
71350 71350 71000 69275 70000 69000 5090822500 5041000000 4799025625 4900000000 4761000000
71350 71000 69275 70000 69000 68500 5041000000 4799025625 4900000000 4761000000 4692250000
71000 69275 70000 69000 68500 70475 4799025625 4900000000 4761000000 4692250000 4966725625
69275 70000 69000 68500 70475 69500 4900000000 4761000000 4692250000 4966725625 4830250000
70000 69000 68500 70475 69500 70575 4761000000 4692250000 4966725625 4830250000 4980830625
69000 68500 70475 69500 70575 70975 4692250000 4966725625 4830250000 4980830625 5037450625
68500 70475 69500 70575 70975 70000 4966725625 4830250000 4980830625 5037450625 4900000000
70475 69500 70575 70975 70000 68450 4830250000 4980830625 5037450625 4900000000 4685402500
69500 70575 70975 70000 68450 69025 4980830625 5037450625 4900000000 4685402500 4764450625
70575 70975 70000 68450 69025 69450 5037450625 4900000000 4685402500 4764450625 4823302500
70975 70000 68450 69025 69450 68975 4900000000 4685402500 4764450625 4823302500 4757550625
70000 68450 69025 69450 68975 69000 4685402500 4764450625 4823302500 4757550625 4761000000
68450 69025 69450 68975 69000 67250 4764450625 4823302500 4757550625 4761000000 4522562500
69025 69450 68975 69000 67250 66950 4823302500 4757550625 4761000000 4522562500 4482302500
69450 68975 69000 67250 66950 68800 4757550625 4761000000 4522562500 4482302500 4733440000
68975 69000 67250 66950 68800 70375 4761000000 4522562500 4482302500 4733440000 4952640625
69000 67250 66950 68800 70375 71750 4522562500 4482302500 4733440000 4952640625 5148062500
67250 66950 68800 70375 71750 66525 4482302500 4733440000 4952640625 5148062500 4425575625
66950 68800 70375 71750 66525 67550 4733440000 4952640625 5148062500 4425575625 4563002500
68800 70375 71750 66525 67550 68975 4952640625 5148062500 4425575625 4563002500 4757550625
70375 71750 66525 67550 68975 70250 5148062500 4425575625 4563002500 4757550625 4935062500
71750 66525 67550 68975 70250 70250 4425575625 4563002500 4757550625 4935062500 4935062500
66525 67550 68975 70250 70250 70250 4563002500 4757550625 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500
67550 68975 70250 70250 70250 70250 4757550625 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500
68975 70250 70250 70250 70250 70250 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500
70250 70250 70250 70250 70250 70250 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500
70250 70250 70250 70250 70250 70250 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500
70250 70250 70250 70250 70250 70250 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500
70250 70250 70250 70250 70250 70075 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4910505625
70250 70250 70250 70250 70075 68225 4935062500 4935062500 4935062500 4910505625 4654650625
70250 70250 70250 70075 68225 69100 4935062500 4935062500 4910505625 4654650625 4774810000
70250 70250 70075 68225 69100 68500 4935062500 4910505625 4654650625 4774810000 4692250000
70250 70075 68225 69100 68500 68500 4910505625 4654650625 4774810000 4692250000 4692250000
70075 68225 69100 68500 68500 68500 4654650625 4774810000 4692250000 4692250000 4692250000
68225 69100 68500 68500 68500 68375 4774810000 4692250000 4692250000 4692250000 4675140625
69100 68500 68500 68500 68375 69475 4692250000 4692250000 4692250000 4675140625 4826775625
68500 68500 68500 68375 69475 69475 4692250000 4692250000 4675140625 4826775625 4826775625
68500 68500 68375 69475 69475 68900 4692250000 4675140625 4826775625 4826775625 4747210000
68500 68375 69475 69475 68900 68775 4675140625 4826775625 4826775625 4747210000 4730000625
68375 69475 69475 68900 68775 68075 4826775625 4826775625 4747210000 4730000625 4634205625
69475 69475 68900 68775 68075 66725 4826775625 4747210000 4730000625 4634205625 4452225625
69475 68900 68775 68075 66725 66550 4747210000 4730000625 4634205625 4452225625 4428902500
68900 68775 68075 66725 66550 67225 4730000625 4634205625 4452225625 4428902500 4519200625
68775 68075 66725 66550 67225 68100 4634205625 4452225625 4428902500 4519200625 4637610000
68075 66725 66550 67225 68100 69000 4452225625 4428902500 4519200625 4637610000 4761000000
66725 66550 67225 68100 69000 68175 4428902500 4519200625 4637610000 4761000000 4647830625
66550 67225 68100 69000 68175 69450 4519200625 4637610000 4761000000 4647830625 4823302500
67225 68100 69000 68175 69450 70200 4637610000 4761000000 4647830625 4823302500 4928040000
68100 69000 68175 69450 70200 70000 4761000000 4647830625 4823302500 4928040000 4900000000
69000 68175 69450 70200 70000 70000 4647830625 4823302500 4928040000 4900000000 4900000000
68175 69450 70200 70000 70000 67800 4823302500 4928040000 4900000000 4900000000 4596840000
69450 70200 70000 70000 67800 70000 4928040000 4900000000 4900000000 4596840000 4900000000
70200 70000 70000 67800 70000 67200 4900000000 4900000000 4596840000 4900000000 4515840000
70000 70000 67800 70000 67200 68975 4900000000 4596840000 4900000000 4515840000 4757550625
70000 67800 70000 67200 68975 69950 4596840000 4900000000 4515840000 4757550625 4893002500
67800 70000 67200 68975 69950 69325 4900000000 4515840000 4757550625 4893002500 4805955625
70000 67200 68975 69950 69325 69325 4515840000 4757550625 4893002500 4805955625 4805955625
67200 68975 69950 69325 69325 72500 4757550625 4893002500 4805955625 4805955625 5256250000
68975 69950 69325 69325 72500 72500 4893002500 4805955625 4805955625 5256250000 5256250000
69950 69325 69325 72500 72500 72500 4805955625 4805955625 5256250000 5256250000 5256250000
69325 69325 72500 72500 72500 72500 4805955625 5256250000 5256250000 5256250000 5256250000
69325 72500 72500 72500 72500 74075 5256250000 5256250000 5256250000 5256250000 5487105625
72500 72500 72500 72500 74075 76875 5256250000 5256250000 5256250000 5487105625 5909765625
72500 72500 72500 74075 76875 76875 5256250000 5256250000 5487105625 5909765625 5909765625
72500 72500 74075 76875 76875 76875 5256250000 5487105625 5909765625 5909765625 5909765625
72500 74075 76875 76875 76875 76000 5487105625 5909765625 5909765625 5909765625 5776000000
74075 76875 76875 76875 76000 76000 5909765625 5909765625 5909765625 5776000000 5776000000
76875 76875 76875 76000 76000 76000 5909765625 5909765625 5776000000 5776000000 5776000000
76875 76875 76000 76000 76000 76650 5909765625 5776000000 5776000000 5776000000 5875222500
76875 76000 76000 76000 76650 77500 5776000000 5776000000 5776000000 5875222500 6006250000
76000 76000 76000 76650 77500 77500 5776000000 5776000000 5875222500 6006250000 6006250000
76000 76000 76650 77500 77500 74200 5776000000 5875222500 6006250000 6006250000 5505640000
76000 76650 77500 77500 74200 73900 5875222500 6006250000 6006250000 5505640000 5461210000
76650 77500 77500 74200 73900 73150 6006250000 6006250000 5505640000 5461210000 5350922500
77500 77500 74200 73900 73150 72000 6006250000 5505640000 5461210000 5350922500 5184000000
77500 74200 73900 73150 72000 73600 5505640000 5461210000 5350922500 5184000000 5416960000
74200 73900 73150 72000 73600 73400 5461210000 5350922500 5184000000 5416960000 5387560000
73900 73150 72000 73600 73400 72475 5350922500 5184000000 5416960000 5387560000 5252625625
73150 72000 73600 73400 72475 72475 5184000000 5416960000 5387560000 5252625625 5252625625
72000 73600 73400 72475 72475 70900 5416960000 5387560000 5252625625 5252625625 5026810000
73600 73400 72475 72475 70900 70700 5387560000 5252625625 5252625625 5026810000 4998490000
73400 72475 72475 70900 70700 70300 5252625625 5252625625 5026810000 4998490000 4942090000
72475 72475 70900 70700 70300 71000 5252625625 5026810000 4998490000 4942090000 5041000000
72475 70900 70700 70300 71000 72850 5026810000 4998490000 4942090000 5041000000 5307122500
70900 70700 70300 71000 72850 74950 4998490000 4942090000 5041000000 5307122500 5617502500
70700 70300 71000 72850 74950 74475 4942090000 5041000000 5307122500 5617502500 5546525625
70300 71000 72850 74950 74475 75000 5041000000 5307122500 5617502500 5546525625 5625000000
71000 72850 74950 74475 75000 75200 5307122500 5617502500 5546525625 5625000000 5655040000
72850 74950 74475 75000 75200 74600 5617502500 5546525625 5625000000 5655040000 5565160000
74950 74475 75000 75200 74600 72500 5546525625 5625000000 5655040000 5565160000 5256250000
74475 75000 75200 74600 72500 73900 5625000000 5655040000 5565160000 5256250000 5461210000
75000 75200 74600 72500 73900 77125 5655040000 5565160000 5256250000 5461210000 5948265625
75200 74600 72500 73900 77125 78300 5565160000 5256250000 5461210000 5948265625 6130890000
74600 72500 73900 77125 78300 79950 5256250000 5461210000 5948265625 6130890000 6392002500
72500 73900 77125 78300 79950 77300 5461210000 5948265625 6130890000 6392002500 5975290000
73900 77125 78300 79950 77300 79750 5948265625 6130890000 6392002500 5975290000 6360062500
77125 78300 79950 77300 79750 79200 6130890000 6392002500 5975290000 6360062500 6272640000
78300 79950 77300 79750 79200 80000 6392002500 5975290000 6360062500 6272640000 6400000000
79950 77300 79750 79200 80000 79825 5975290000 6360062500 6272640000 6400000000 6372030625
77300 79750 79200 80000 79825 79750 6360062500 6272640000 6400000000 6372030625 6360062500
79750 79200 80000 79825 79750 79750 6272640000 6400000000 6372030625 6360062500 6360062500
79200 80000 79825 79750 79750 79075 6400000000 6372030625 6360062500 6360062500 6252855625
80000 79825 79750 79750 79075 81400 6372030625 6360062500 6360062500 6252855625 6625960000
79825 79750 79750 79075 81400 79650 6360062500 6360062500 6252855625 6625960000 6344122500
79750 79750 79075 81400 79650 80100 6360062500 6252855625 6625960000 6344122500 6416010000
79750 79075 81400 79650 80100 81000 6252855625 6625960000 6344122500 6416010000 6561000000
79075 81400 79650 80100 81000 81925 6625960000 6344122500 6416010000 6561000000 6711705625
81400 79650 80100 81000 81925 80625 6344122500 6416010000 6561000000 6711705625 6500390625
79650 80100 81000 81925 80625 80625 6416010000 6561000000 6711705625 6500390625 6500390625
80100 81000 81925 80625 80625 80000 6561000000 6711705625 6500390625 6500390625 6400000000
81000 81925 80625 80625 80000 80000 6711705625 6500390625 6500390625 6400000000 6400000000
81925 80625 80625 80000 80000 79550 6500390625 6500390625 6400000000 6400000000 6328202500
80625 80625 80000 80000 79550 81200 6500390625 6400000000 6400000000 6328202500 6593440000
80625 80000 80000 79550 81200 83150 6400000000 6400000000 6328202500 6593440000 6913922500
80000 80000 79550 81200 83150 83250 6400000000 6328202500 6593440000 6913922500 6930562500
80000 79550 81200 83150 83250 82600 6328202500 6593440000 6913922500 6930562500 6822760000
79550 81200 83150 83250 82600 81700 6593440000 6913922500 6930562500 6822760000 6674890000
81200 83150 83250 82600 81700 81500 6913922500 6930562500 6822760000 6674890000 6642250000
83150 83250 82600 81700 81500 81800 6930562500 6822760000 6674890000 6642250000 6691240000
83250 82600 81700 81500 81800 81050 6822760000 6674890000 6642250000 6691240000 6569102500
82600 81700 81500 81800 81050 80050 6674890000 6642250000 6691240000 6569102500 6408002500
81700 81500 81800 81050 80050 82200 6642250000 6691240000 6569102500 6408002500 6756840000
81500 81800 81050 80050 82200 84250 6691240000 6569102500 6408002500 6756840000 7098062500
81800 81050 80050 82200 84250 84500 6569102500 6408002500 6756840000 7098062500 7140250000
81050 80050 82200 84250 84500 85275 6408002500 6756840000 7098062500 7140250000 7271825625
80050 82200 84250 84500 85275 85200 6756840000 7098062500 7140250000 7271825625 7259040000
82200 84250 84500 85275 85200 85000 7098062500 7140250000 7271825625 7259040000 7225000000
84250 84500 85275 85200 85000 84025 7140250000 7271825625 7259040000 7225000000 7060200625
84500 85275 85200 85000 84025 83600 7271825625 7259040000 7225000000 7060200625 6988960000
85275 85200 85000 84025 83600 82750 7259040000 7225000000 7060200625 6988960000 6847562500
85200 85000 84025 83600 82750 84000 7225000000 7060200625 6988960000 6847562500 7056000000
85000 84025 83600 82750 84000 82000 7060200625 6988960000 6847562500 7056000000 6724000000
84025 83600 82750 84000 82000 83050 6988960000 6847562500 7056000000 6724000000 6897302500
83600 82750 84000 82000 83050 82875 6847562500 7056000000 6724000000 6897302500 6868265625
82750 84000 82000 83050 82875 83000 7056000000 6724000000 6897302500 6868265625 6889000000
84000 82000 83050 82875 83000 81600 6724000000 6897302500 6868265625 6889000000 6658560000
82000 83050 82875 83000 81600 84800 6897302500 6868265625 6889000000 6658560000 7191040000
83050 82875 83000 81600 84800 84775 6868265625 6889000000 6658560000 7191040000 7186800625
82875 83000 81600 84800 84775 84000 6889000000 6658560000 7191040000 7186800625 7056000000
83000 81600 84800 84775 84000 81350 6658560000 7191040000 7186800625 7056000000 6617822500
81600 84800 84775 84000 81350 81500 7191040000 7186800625 7056000000 6617822500 6642250000
84800 84775 84000 81350 81500 83800 7186800625 7056000000 6617822500 6642250000 7022440000
84775 84000 81350 81500 83800 83800 7056000000 6617822500 6642250000 7022440000 7022440000
84000 81350 81500 83800 83800 81750 6617822500 6642250000 7022440000 7022440000 6683062500
81350 81500 83800 83800 81750 81400 6642250000 7022440000 7022440000 6683062500 6625960000
81500 83800 83800 81750 81400 80950 7022440000 7022440000 6683062500 6625960000 6552902500
83800 83800 81750 81400 80950 80950 7022440000 6683062500 6625960000 6552902500 6552902500
83800 81750 81400 80950 80950 80950 6683062500 6625960000 6552902500 6552902500 6552902500
81750 81400 80950 80950 80950 81000 6625960000 6552902500 6552902500 6552902500 6561000000
81400 80950 80950 80950 81000 79075 6552902500 6552902500 6552902500 6561000000 6252855625
80950 80950 80950 81000 79075 81000 6552902500 6552902500 6561000000 6252855625 6561000000
80950 80950 81000 79075 81000 81000 6552902500 6561000000 6252855625 6561000000 6561000000
80950 81000 79075 81000 81000 78575 6561000000 6252855625 6561000000 6561000000 6174030625
81000 79075 81000 81000 78575 78300 6252855625 6561000000 6561000000 6174030625 6130890000
79075 81000 81000 78575 78300 78300 6561000000 6561000000 6174030625 6130890000 6130890000
81000 81000 78575 78300 78300 78400 6561000000 6174030625 6130890000 6130890000 6146560000
81000 78575 78300 78300 78400 79850 6174030625 6130890000 6130890000 6146560000 6376022500
78575 78300 78300 78400 79850 80575 6130890000 6130890000 6146560000 6376022500 6492330625
78300 78300 78400 79850 80575 79950 6130890000 6146560000 6376022500 6492330625 6392002500
78300 78400 79850 80575 79950 80325 6146560000 6376022500 6492330625 6392002500 6452105625
78400 79850 80575 79950 80325 80300 6376022500 6492330625 6392002500 6452105625 6448090000
79850 80575 79950 80325 80300 79150 6492330625 6392002500 6452105625 6448090000 6264722500
80575 79950 80325 80300 79150 76525 6392002500 6452105625 6448090000 6264722500 5856075625
79950 80325 80300 79150 76525 76525 6452105625 6448090000 6264722500 5856075625 5856075625
80325 80300 79150 76525 76525 80100 6448090000 6264722500 5856075625 5856075625 6416010000
80300 79150 76525 76525 80100 79850 6264722500 5856075625 5856075625 6416010000 6376022500
79150 76525 76525 80100 79850 79500 5856075625 5856075625 6416010000 6376022500 6320250000
76525 76525 80100 79850 79500 79500 5856075625 6416010000 6376022500 6320250000 6320250000
76525 80100 79850 79500 79500 78000 6416010000 6376022500 6320250000 6320250000 6084000000
80100 79850 79500 79500 78000 77975 6376022500 6320250000 6320250000 6084000000 6080100625
79850 79500 79500 78000 77975 78850 6320250000 6320250000 6084000000 6080100625 6217322500
79500 79500 78000 77975 78850 80375 6320250000 6084000000 6080100625 6217322500 6460140625
79500 78000 77975 78850 80375 77975 6084000000 6080100625 6217322500 6460140625 6080100625
78000 77975 78850 80375 77975 81000 6080100625 6217322500 6460140625 6080100625 6561000000
77975 78850 80375 77975 81000 76950 6217322500 6460140625 6080100625 6561000000 5921302500
78850 80375 77975 81000 76950 75950 6460140625 6080100625 6561000000 5921302500 5768402500
80375 77975 81000 76950 75950 78950 6080100625 6561000000 5921302500 5768402500 6233102500
77975 81000 76950 75950 78950 76000 6561000000 5921302500 5768402500 6233102500 5776000000
81000 76950 75950 78950 76000 77250 5921302500 5768402500 6233102500 5776000000 5967562500
76950 75950 78950 76000 77250 76525 5768402500 6233102500 5776000000 5967562500 5856075625
75950 78950 76000 77250 76525 76800 6233102500 5776000000 5967562500 5856075625 5898240000
78950 76000 77250 76525 76800 73950 5776000000 5967562500 5856075625 5898240000 5468602500
76000 77250 76525 76800 73950 73600 5967562500 5856075625 5898240000 5468602500 5416960000
77250 76525 76800 73950 73600 71925 5856075625 5898240000 5468602500 5416960000 5173205625
76525 76800 73950 73600 71925 71750 5898240000 5468602500 5416960000 5173205625 5148062500
76800 73950 73600 71925 71750 70000 5468602500 5416960000 5173205625 5148062500 4900000000
73950 73600 71925 71750 70000 67675 5416960000 5173205625 5148062500 4900000000 4579905625
73600 71925 71750 70000 67675 66900 5173205625 5148062500 4900000000 4579905625 4475610000
71925 71750 70000 67675 66900 64675 5148062500 4900000000 4579905625 4475610000 4182855625
71750 70000 67675 66900 64675 63000 4900000000 4579905625 4475610000 4182855625 3969000000
70000 67675 66900 64675 63000 62025 4579905625 4475610000 4182855625 3969000000 3847100625
67675 66900 64675 63000 62025 62775 4475610000 4182855625 3969000000 3847100625 3940700625
66900 64675 63000 62025 62775 62500 4182855625 3969000000 3847100625 3940700625 3906250000
64675 63000 62025 62775 62500 63125 3969000000 3847100625 3940700625 3906250000 3984765625
63000 62025 62775 62500 63125 64200 3847100625 3940700625 3906250000 3984765625 4121640000
62025 62775 62500 63125 64200 64475 3940700625 3906250000 3984765625 4121640000 4157025625
62775 62500 63125 64200 64475 64475 3906250000 3984765625 4121640000 4157025625 4157025625
62500 63125 64200 64475 64475 64200 3984765625 4121640000 4157025625 4157025625 4121640000
63125 64200 64475 64475 64200 65600 4121640000 4157025625 4157025625 4121640000 4303360000
64200 64475 64475 64200 65600 66000 4157025625 4157025625 4121640000 4303360000 4356000000
64475 64475 64200 65600 66000 66250 4157025625 4121640000 4303360000 4356000000 4389062500
64475 64200 65600 66000 66250 67825 4121640000 4303360000 4356000000 4389062500 4600230625
64200 65600 66000 66250 67825 66425 4303360000 4356000000 4389062500 4600230625 4412280625
65600 66000 66250 67825 66425 65850 4356000000 4389062500 4600230625 4412280625 4336222500
66000 66250 67825 66425 65850 66525 4389062500 4600230625 4412280625 4336222500 4425575625
66250 67825 66425 65850 66525 65700 4600230625 4412280625 4336222500 4425575625 4316490000
67825 66425 65850 66525 65700 64775 4412280625 4336222500 4425575625 4316490000 4195800625
66425 65850 66525 65700 64775 65800 4336222500 4425575625 4316490000 4195800625 4329640000
65850 66525 65700 64775 65800 65575 4425575625 4316490000 4195800625 4329640000 4300080625
66525 65700 64775 65800 65575 65575 4316490000 4195800625 4329640000 4300080625 4300080625
65700 64775 65800 65575 65575 65675 4195800625 4329640000 4300080625 4300080625 4313205625
64775 65800 65575 65575 65675 67150 4329640000 4300080625 4300080625 4313205625 4509122500
65800 65575 65575 65675 67150 68000 4300080625 4300080625 4313205625 4509122500 4624000000
65575 65575 65675 67150 68000 68950 4300080625 4313205625 4509122500 4624000000 4754102500
65575 65675 67150 68000 68950 68950 4313205625 4509122500 4624000000 4754102500 4754102500
65675 67150 68000 68950 68950 67125 4509122500 4624000000 4754102500 4754102500 4505765625
67150 68000 68950 68950 67125 67775 4624000000 4754102500 4754102500 4505765625 4593450625
68000 68950 68950 67125 67775 68000 4754102500 4754102500 4505765625 4593450625 4624000000
68950 68950 67125 67775 68000 69250 4754102500 4505765625 4593450625 4624000000 4795562500
68950 67125 67775 68000 69250 65575 4505765625 4593450625 4624000000 4795562500 4300080625
67125 67775 68000 69250 65575 65575 4593450625 4624000000 4795562500 4300080625 4300080625
67775 68000 69250 65575 65575 66125 4624000000 4795562500 4300080625 4300080625 4372515625
68000 69250 65575 65575 66125 66250 4795562500 4300080625 4300080625 4372515625 4389062500
69250 65575 65575 66125 66250 67125 4300080625 4300080625 4372515625 4389062500 4505765625
65575 65575 66125 66250 67125 66700 4300080625 4372515625 4389062500 4505765625 4448890000
65575 66125 66250 67125 66700 66100 4372515625 4389062500 4505765625 4448890000 4369210000
66125 66250 67125 66700 66100 67025 4389062500 4505765625 4448890000 4369210000 4492350625
66250 67125 66700 66100 67025 69200 4505765625 4448890000 4369210000 4492350625 4788640000
67125 66700 66100 67025 69200 69200 4448890000 4369210000 4492350625 4788640000 4788640000
66700 66100 67025 69200 69200 68850 4369210000 4492350625 4788640000 4788640000 4740322500
66100 67025 69200 69200 68850 71500 4492350625 4788640000 4788640000 4740322500 5112250000
67025 69200 69200 68850 71500 71650 4788640000 4788640000 4740322500 5112250000 5133722500
69200 69200 68850 71500 71650 71975 4788640000 4740322500 5112250000 5133722500 5180400625
69200 68850 71500 71650 71975 71300 4740322500 5112250000 5133722500 5180400625 5083690000
68850 71500 71650 71975 71300 71100 5112250000 5133722500 5180400625 5083690000 5055210000
71500 71650 71975 71300 71100 70500 5133722500 5180400625 5083690000 5055210000 4970250000
71650 71975 71300 71100 70500 72300 5180400625 5083690000 5055210000 4970250000 5227290000
71975 71300 71100 70500 72300 74000 5083690000 5055210000 4970250000 5227290000 5476000000
71300 71100 70500 72300 74000 70950 5055210000 4970250000 5227290000 5476000000 5033902500
71100 70500 72300 74000 70950 70950 4970250000 5227290000 5476000000 5033902500 5033902500
70500 72300 74000 70950 70950 67325 5227290000 5476000000 5033902500 5033902500 4532655625
72300 74000 70950 70950 67325 66800 5476000000 5033902500 5033902500 4532655625 4462240000
74000 70950 70950 67325 66800 65900 5033902500 5033902500 4532655625 4462240000 4342810000
70950 70950 67325 66800 65900 66900 5033902500 4532655625 4462240000 4342810000 4475610000
70950 67325 66800 65900 66900 66300 4532655625 4462240000 4342810000 4475610000 4395690000
67325 66800 65900 66900 66300 68800 4462240000 4342810000 4475610000 4395690000 4733440000
66800 65900 66900 66300 68800 69500 4342810000 4475610000 4395690000 4733440000 4830250000
65900 66900 66300 68800 69500 71650 4475610000 4395690000 4733440000 4830250000 5133722500
66900 66300 68800 69500 71650 71100 4395690000 4733440000 4830250000 5133722500 5055210000
66300 68800 69500 71650 71100 70400 4733440000 4830250000 5133722500 5055210000 4956160000
68800 69500 71650 71100 70400 72275 4830250000 5133722500 5055210000 4956160000 5223675625
69500 71650 71100 70400 72275 76100 5133722500 5055210000 4956160000 5223675625 5791210000
71650 71100 70400 72275 76100 79800 5055210000 4956160000 5223675625 5791210000 6368040000
71100 70400 72275 76100 79800 78000 4956160000 5223675625 5791210000 6368040000 6084000000
70400 72275 76100 79800 78000 76100 5223675625 5791210000 6368040000 6084000000 5791210000
72275 76100 79800 78000 76100 76625 5791210000 6368040000 6084000000 5791210000 5871390625
76100 79800 78000 76100 76625 76950 6368040000 6084000000 5791210000 5871390625 5921302500
79800 78000 76100 76625 76950 75700 6084000000 5791210000 5871390625 5921302500 5730490000
78000 76100 76625 76950 75700 76250 5791210000 5871390625 5921302500 5730490000 5814062500
76100 76625 76950 75700 76250 76150 5871390625 5921302500 5730490000 5814062500 5798822500
76625 76950 75700 76250 76150 76750 5921302500 5730490000 5814062500 5798822500 5890562500
76950 75700 76250 76150 76750 75800 5730490000 5814062500 5798822500 5890562500 5745640000
75700 76250 76150 76750 75800 76150 5814062500 5798822500 5890562500 5745640000 5798822500
76250 76150 76750 75800 76150 78900 5798822500 5890562500 5745640000 5798822500 6225210000
76150 76750 75800 76150 78900 78200 5890562500 5745640000 5798822500 6225210000 6115240000
76750 75800 76150 78900 78200 75825 5745640000 5798822500 6225210000 6115240000 5749430625
75800 76150 78900 78200 75825 76500 5798822500 6225210000 6115240000 5749430625 5852250000
76150 78900 78200 75825 76500 76350 6225210000 6115240000 5749430625 5852250000 5829322500
78900 78200 75825 76500 76350 77875 6115240000 5749430625 5852250000 5829322500 6064515625
78200 75825 76500 76350 77875 75800 5749430625 5852250000 5829322500 6064515625 5745640000
75825 76500 76350 77875 75800 78500 5852250000 5829322500 6064515625 5745640000 6162250000
76500 76350 77875 75800 78500 81300 5829322500 6064515625 5745640000 6162250000 6609690000
76350 77875 75800 78500 81300 78300 6064515625 5745640000 6162250000 6609690000 6130890000
77875 75800 78500 81300 78300 78300 5745640000 6162250000 6609690000 6130890000 6130890000
75800 78500 81300 78300 78300 78300 6162250000 6609690000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000
78500 81300 78300 78300 78300 78300 6609690000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000
81300 78300 78300 78300 78300 78300 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000
78300 78300 78300 78300 78300 78300 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000
78300 78300 78300 78300 78300 78300 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000
78300 78300 78300 78300 78300 78400 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6146560000
78300 78300 78300 78300 78400 79400 6130890000 6130890000 6130890000 6146560000 6304360000
78300 78300 78300 78400 79400 79900 6130890000 6130890000 6146560000 6304360000 6384010000
78300 78300 78400 79400 79900 79000 6130890000 6146560000 6304360000 6384010000 6241000000
78300 78400 79400 79900 79000 80000 6146560000 6304360000 6384010000 6241000000 6400000000
78400 79400 79900 79000 80000 79000 6304360000 6384010000 6241000000 6400000000 6241000000
79400 79900 79000 80000 79000 77675 6384010000 6241000000 6400000000 6241000000 6033405625
79900 79000 80000 79000 77675 77750 6241000000 6400000000 6241000000 6033405625 6045062500
79000 80000 79000 77675 77750 75500 6400000000 6241000000 6033405625 6045062500 5700250000
80000 79000 77675 77750 75500 74950 6241000000 6033405625 6045062500 5700250000 5617502500
79000 77675 77750 75500 74950 75500 6033405625 6045062500 5700250000 5617502500 5700250000
77675 77750 75500 74950 75500 74400 6045062500 5700250000 5617502500 5700250000 5535360000
77750 75500 74950 75500 74400 74300 5700250000 5617502500 5700250000 5535360000 5520490000
75500 74950 75500 74400 74300 74500 5617502500 5700250000 5535360000 5520490000 5550250000
74950 75500 74400 74300 74500 73950 5700250000 5535360000 5520490000 5550250000 5468602500
75500 74400 74300 74500 73950 73950 5535360000 5520490000 5550250000 5468602500 5468602500
74400 74300 74500 73950 73950 73500 5520490000 5550250000 5468602500 5468602500 5402250000
74300 74500 73950 73950 73500 73400 5550250000 5468602500 5468602500 5402250000 5387560000
74500 73950 73950 73500 73400 74275 5468602500 5468602500 5402250000 5387560000 5516775625
73950 73950 73500 73400 74275 73600 5468602500 5402250000 5387560000 5516775625 5416960000
73950 73500 73400 74275 73600 73100 5402250000 5387560000 5516775625 5416960000 5343610000
73500 73400 74275 73600 73100 74250 5387560000 5516775625 5416960000 5343610000 5513062500
73400 74275 73600 73100 74250 76500 5516775625 5416960000 5343610000 5513062500 5852250000
74275 73600 73100 74250 76500 72025 5416960000 5343610000 5513062500 5852250000 5187600625
73600 73100 74250 76500 72025 70100 5343610000 5513062500 5852250000 5187600625 4914010000
73100 74250 76500 72025 70100 70500 5513062500 5852250000 5187600625 4914010000 4970250000
74250 76500 72025 70100 70500 73600 5852250000 5187600625 4914010000 4970250000 5416960000
76500 72025 70100 70500 73600 73900 5187600625 4914010000 4970250000 5416960000 5461210000
72025 70100 70500 73600 73900 70975 4914010000 4970250000 5416960000 5461210000 5037450625
70100 70500 73600 73900 70975 71200 4970250000 5416960000 5461210000 5037450625 5069440000
70500 73600 73900 70975 71200 70000 5416960000 5461210000 5037450625 5069440000 4900000000
73600 73900 70975 71200 70000 71400 5461210000 5037450625 5069440000 4900000000 5097960000
73900 70975 71200 70000 71400 68000 5037450625 5069440000 4900000000 5097960000 4624000000
70975 71200 70000 71400 68000 67800 5069440000 4900000000 5097960000 4624000000 4596840000
71200 70000 71400 68000 67800 67150 4900000000 5097960000 4624000000 4596840000 4509122500
70000 71400 68000 67800 67150 66400 5097960000 4624000000 4596840000 4509122500 4408960000
71400 68000 67800 67150 66400 66400 4624000000 4596840000 4509122500 4408960000 4408960000
68000 67800 67150 66400 66400 65950 4596840000 4509122500 4408960000 4408960000 4349402500
67800 67150 66400 66400 65950 64500 4509122500 4408960000 4408960000 4349402500 4160250000
67150 66400 66400 65950 64500 64200 4408960000 4408960000 4349402500 4160250000 4121640000
66400 66400 65950 64500 64200 63575 4408960000 4349402500 4160250000 4121640000 4041780625
66400 65950 64500 64200 63575 64900 4349402500 4160250000 4121640000 4041780625 4212010000
65950 64500 64200 63575 64900 64900 4160250000 4121640000 4041780625 4212010000 4212010000
64500 64200 63575 64900 64900 64600 4121640000 4041780625 4212010000 4212010000 4173160000
64200 63575 64900 64900 64600 64675 4041780625 4212010000 4212010000 4173160000 4182855625
63575 64900 64900 64600 64675 64950 4212010000 4212010000 4173160000 4182855625 4218502500
64900 64900 64600 64675 64950 65450 4212010000 4173160000 4182855625 4218502500 4283702500
64900 64600 64675 64950 65450 67000 4173160000 4182855625 4218502500 4283702500 4489000000
64600 64675 64950 65450 67000 68200 4182855625 4218502500 4283702500 4489000000 4651240000
64675 64950 65450 67000 68200 68000 4218502500 4283702500 4489000000 4651240000 4624000000
64950 65450 67000 68200 68000 67700 4283702500 4489000000 4651240000 4624000000 4583290000
65450 67000 68200 68000 67700 67700 4489000000 4651240000 4624000000 4583290000 4583290000
67000 68200 68000 67700 67700 66700 4651240000 4624000000 4583290000 4583290000 4448890000
68200 68000 67700 67700 66700 65525 4624000000 4583290000 4583290000 4448890000 4293525625
68000 67700 67700 66700 65525 66700 4583290000 4583290000 4448890000 4293525625 4448890000
67700 67700 66700 65525 66700 65500 4583290000 4448890000 4293525625 4448890000 4290250000
67700 66700 65525 66700 65500 64500 4448890000 4293525625 4448890000 4290250000 4160250000
66700 65525 66700 65500 64500 64925 4293525625 4448890000 4290250000 4160250000 4215255625
65525 66700 65500 64500 64925 65450 4448890000 4290250000 4160250000 4215255625 4283702500
66700 65500 64500 64925 65450 65425 4290250000 4160250000 4215255625 4283702500 4280430625
65500 64500 64925 65450 65425 65800 4160250000 4215255625 4283702500 4280430625 4329640000
64500 64925 65450 65425 65800 65450 4215255625 4283702500 4280430625 4329640000 4283702500
64925 65450 65425 65800 65450 65250 4283702500 4280430625 4329640000 4283702500 4257562500
65450 65425 65800 65450 65250 65050 4280430625 4329640000 4283702500 4257562500 4231502500
65425 65800 65450 65250 65050 64450 4329640000 4283702500 4257562500 4231502500 4153802500
65800 65450 65250 65050 64450 64475 4283702500 4257562500 4231502500 4153802500 4157025625
65450 65250 65050 64450 64475 63000 4257562500 4231502500 4153802500 4157025625 3969000000
65250 65050 64450 64475 63000 63500 4231502500 4153802500 4157025625 3969000000 4032250000
65050 64450 64475 63000 63500 63625 4153802500 4157025625 3969000000 4032250000 4048140625
64450 64475 63000 63500 63625 62825 4157025625 3969000000 4032250000 4048140625 3946980625
64475 63000 63500 63625 62825 62850 3969000000 4032250000 4048140625 3946980625 3950122500
63000 63500 63625 62825 62850 63400 4032250000 4048140625 3946980625 3950122500 4019560000
63500 63625 62825 62850 63400 64475 4048140625 3946980625 3950122500 4019560000 4157025625
63625 62825 62850 63400 64475 65850 3946980625 3950122500 4019560000 4157025625 4336222500
62825 62850 63400 64475 65850 64625 3950122500 4019560000 4157025625 4336222500 4176390625
62850 63400 64475 65850 64625 65850 4019560000 4157025625 4336222500 4176390625 4336222500
63400 64475 65850 64625 65850 65750 4157025625 4336222500 4176390625 4336222500 4323062500
64475 65850 64625 65850 65750 65000 4336222500 4176390625 4336222500 4323062500 4225000000
65850 64625 65850 65750 65000 63125 4176390625 4336222500 4323062500 4225000000 3984765625
64625 65850 65750 65000 63125 62200 4336222500 4323062500 4225000000 3984765625 3868840000
65850 65750 65000 63125 62200 60150 4323062500 4225000000 3984765625 3868840000 3618022500
65750 65000 63125 62200 60150 60500 4225000000 3984765625 3868840000 3618022500 3660250000
65000 63125 62200 60150 60500 60800 3984765625 3868840000 3618022500 3660250000 3696640000
63125 62200 60150 60500 60800 61000 3868840000 3618022500 3660250000 3696640000 3721000000
62200 60150 60500 60800 61000 61500 3618022500 3660250000 3696640000 3721000000 3782250000
60150 60500 60800 61000 61500 61500 3660250000 3696640000 3721000000 3782250000 3782250000
60500 60800 61000 61500 61500 62000 3696640000 3721000000 3782250000 3782250000 3844000000
60800 61000 61500 61500 62000 62000 3721000000 3782250000 3782250000 3844000000 3844000000
61000 61500 61500 62000 62000 62400 3782250000 3782250000 3844000000 3844000000 3893760000
61500 61500 62000 62000 62400 62600 3782250000 3844000000 3844000000 3893760000 3918760000
61500 62000 62000 62400 62600 62500 3844000000 3844000000 3893760000 3918760000 3906250000
62000 62000 62400 62600 62500 61850 3844000000 3893760000 3918760000 3906250000 3825422500
62000 62400 62600 62500 61850 61800 3893760000 3918760000 3906250000 3825422500 3819240000
62400 62600 62500 61850 61800 62000 3918760000 3906250000 3825422500 3819240000 3844000000
62600 62500 61850 61800 62000 62700 3906250000 3825422500 3819240000 3844000000 3931290000
62500 61850 61800 62000 62700 61750 3825422500 3819240000 3844000000 3931290000 3813062500
61850 61800 62000 62700 61750 62800 3819240000 3844000000 3931290000 3813062500 3943840000
61800 62000 62700 61750 62800 62800 3844000000 3931290000 3813062500 3943840000 3943840000
62000 62700 61750 62800 62800 63400 3931290000 3813062500 3943840000 3943840000 4019560000
62700 61750 62800 62800 63400 63000 3813062500 3943840000 3943840000 4019560000 3969000000
61750 62800 62800 63400 63000 63750 3943840000 3943840000 4019560000 3969000000 4064062500
62800 62800 63400 63000 63750 63475 3943840000 4019560000 3969000000 4064062500 4029075625
62800 63400 63000 63750 63475 62500 4019560000 3969000000 4064062500 4029075625 3906250000
63400 63000 63750 63475 62500 63400 3969000000 4064062500 4029075625 3906250000 4019560000
63000 63750 63475 62500 63400 63000 4064062500 4029075625 3906250000 4019560000 3969000000
63750 63475 62500 63400 63000 62500 4029075625 3906250000 4019560000 3969000000 3906250000
63475 62500 63400 63000 62500 63200 3906250000 4019560000 3969000000 3906250000 3994240000
62500 63400 63000 62500 63200 63050 4019560000 3969000000 3906250000 3994240000 3975302500
63400 63000 62500 63200 63050 63250 3969000000 3906250000 3994240000 3975302500 4000562500
63000 62500 63200 63050 63250 63150 3906250000 3994240000 3975302500 4000562500 3987922500
62500 63200 63050 63250 63150 63000 3994240000 3975302500 4000562500 3987922500 3969000000
63200 63050 63250 63150 63000 63600 3975302500 4000562500 3987922500 3969000000 4044960000
63050 63250 63150 63000 63600 64425 4000562500 3987922500 3969000000 4044960000 4150580625
63250 63150 63000 63600 64425 65600 3987922500 3969000000 4044960000 4150580625 4303360000
63150 63000 63600 64425 65600 63200 3969000000 4044960000 4150580625 4303360000 3994240000
63000 63600 64425 65600 63200 63300 4044960000 4150580625 4303360000 3994240000 4006890000
63600 64425 65600 63200 63300 63900 4150580625 4303360000 3994240000 4006890000 4083210000
64425 65600 63200 63300 63900 63900 4303360000 3994240000 4006890000 4083210000 4083210000
65600 63200 63300 63900 63900 64000 3994240000 4006890000 4083210000 4083210000 4096000000
63200 63300 63900 63900 64000 63850 4006890000 4083210000 4083210000 4096000000 4076822500
63300 63900 63900 64000 63850 62900 4083210000 4083210000 4096000000 4076822500 3956410000
63900 63900 64000 63850 62900 60300 4083210000 4096000000 4076822500 3956410000 3636090000
63900 64000 63850 62900 60300 60850 4096000000 4076822500 3956410000 3636090000 3702722500
64000 63850 62900 60300 60850 62000 4076822500 3956410000 3636090000 3702722500 3844000000
63850 62900 60300 60850 62000 62975 3956410000 3636090000 3702722500 3844000000 3965850625
62900 60300 60850 62000 62975 63900 3636090000 3702722500 3844000000 3965850625 4083210000
60300 60850 62000 62975 63900 65550 3702722500 3844000000 3965850625 4083210000 4296802500
60850 62000 62975 63900 65550 66300 3844000000 3965850625 4083210000 4296802500 4395690000
62000 62975 63900 65550 66300 67025 3965850625 4083210000 4296802500 4395690000 4492350625
62975 63900 65550 66300 67025 66850 4083210000 4296802500 4395690000 4492350625 4468922500
63900 65550 66300 67025 66850 66950 4296802500 4395690000 4492350625 4468922500 4482302500
65550 66300 67025 66850 66950 67500 4395690000 4492350625 4468922500 4482302500 4556250000
66300 67025 66850 66950 67500 65450 4492350625 4468922500 4482302500 4556250000 4283702500
67025 66850 66950 67500 65450 67450 4468922500 4482302500 4556250000 4283702500 4549502500
66850 66950 67500 65450 67450 67575 4482302500 4556250000 4283702500 4549502500 4566380625
66950 67500 65450 67450 67575 66325 4556250000 4283702500 4549502500 4566380625 4399005625
67500 65450 67450 67575 66325 65000 4283702500 4549502500 4566380625 4399005625 4225000000
65450 67450 67575 66325 65000 65000 4549502500 4566380625 4399005625 4225000000 4225000000
67450 67575 66325 65000 65000 63050 4566380625 4399005625 4225000000 4225000000 3975302500
67575 66325 65000 65000 63050 62775 4399005625 4225000000 4225000000 3975302500 3940700625
66325 65000 65000 63050 62775 62425 4225000000 4225000000 3975302500 3940700625 3896880625
65000 65000 63050 62775 62425 62500 4225000000 3975302500 3940700625 3896880625 3906250000
65000 63050 62775 62425 62500 64500 3975302500 3940700625 3896880625 3906250000 4160250000
63050 62775 62425 62500 64500 64500 3940700625 3896880625 3906250000 4160250000 4160250000
62775 62425 62500 64500 64500 63000 3896880625 3906250000 4160250000 4160250000 3969000000
62425 62500 64500 64500 63000 63100 3906250000 4160250000 4160250000 3969000000 3981610000
62500 64500 64500 63000 63100 62975 4160250000 4160250000 3969000000 3981610000 3965850625
64500 64500 63000 63100 62975 62500 4160250000 3969000000 3981610000 3965850625 3906250000
64500 63000 63100 62975 62500 61125 3969000000 3981610000 3965850625 3906250000 3736265625
63000 63100 62975 62500 61125 61600 3981610000 3965850625 3906250000 3736265625 3794560000
63100 62975 62500 61125 61600 64150 3965850625 3906250000 3736265625 3794560000 4115222500
62975 62500 61125 61600 64150 67950 3906250000 3736265625 3794560000 4115222500 4617202500
62500 61125 61600 64150 67950 67200 3736265625 3794560000 4115222500 4617202500 4515840000
61125 61600 64150 67950 67200 67950 3794560000 4115222500 4617202500 4515840000 4617202500
61600 64150 67950 67200 67950 66475 4115222500 4617202500 4515840000 4617202500 4418925625
64150 67950 67200 67950 66475 67050 4617202500 4515840000 4617202500 4418925625 4495702500
67950 67200 67950 66475 67050 65000 4515840000 4617202500 4418925625 4495702500 4225000000
67200 67950 66475 67050 65000 68250 4617202500 4418925625 4495702500 4225000000 4658062500
67950 66475 67050 65000 68250 68000 4418925625 4495702500 4225000000 4658062500 4624000000
66475 67050 65000 68250 68000 67900 4495702500 4225000000 4658062500 4624000000 4610410000
67050 65000 68250 68000 67900 66000 4225000000 4658062500 4624000000 4610410000 4356000000
65000 68250 68000 67900 66000 66400 4658062500 4624000000 4610410000 4356000000 4408960000
68250 68000 67900 66000 66400 65250 4624000000 4610410000 4356000000 4408960000 4257562500
68000 67900 66000 66400 65250 65225 4610410000 4356000000 4408960000 4257562500 4254300625
67900 66000 66400 65250 65225 65875 4356000000 4408960000 4257562500 4254300625 4339515625
66000 66400 65250 65225 65875 65475 4408960000 4257562500 4254300625 4339515625 4286975625
66400 65250 65225 65875 65475 65150 4257562500 4254300625 4339515625 4286975625 4244522500
65250 65225 65875 65475 65150 66275 4254300625 4339515625 4286975625 4244522500 4392375625
65225 65875 65475 65150 66275 66175 4339515625 4286975625 4244522500 4392375625 4379130625
65875 65475 65150 66275 66175 65100 4286975625 4244522500 4392375625 4379130625 4238010000
65475 65150 66275 66175 65100 64800 4244522500 4392375625 4379130625 4238010000 4199040000
65150 66275 66175 65100 64800 64925 4392375625 4379130625 4238010000 4199040000 4215255625
66275 66175 65100 64800 64925 64250 4379130625 4238010000 4199040000 4215255625 4128062500
66175 65100 64800 64925 64250 64500 4238010000 4199040000 4215255625 4128062500 4160250000
65100 64800 64925 64250 64500 65025 4199040000 4215255625 4128062500 4160250000 4228250625
64800 64925 64250 64500 65025 65900 4215255625 4128062500 4160250000 4228250625 4342810000
64925 64250 64500 65025 65900 66850 4128062500 4160250000 4228250625 4342810000 4468922500
64250 64500 65025 65900 66850 66975 4160250000 4228250625 4342810000 4468922500 4485650625
64500 65025 65900 66850 66975 66975 4228250625 4342810000 4468922500 4485650625 4485650625
65025 65900 66850 66975 66975 64900 4342810000 4468922500 4485650625 4485650625 4212010000
65900 66850 66975 66975 64900 62000 4468922500 4485650625 4485650625 4212010000 3844000000
66850 66975 66975 64900 62000 62500 4485650625 4485650625 4212010000 3844000000 3906250000
66975 66975 64900 62000 62500 63600 4485650625 4212010000 3844000000 3906250000 4044960000
66975 64900 62000 62500 63600 64075 4212010000 3844000000 3906250000 4044960000 4105605625
64900 62000 62500 63600 64075 64000 3844000000 3906250000 4044960000 4105605625 4096000000
62000 62500 63600 64075 64000 65125 3906250000 4044960000 4105605625 4096000000 4241265625
62500 63600 64075 64000 65125 65125 4044960000 4105605625 4096000000 4241265625 4241265625
63600 64075 64000 65125 65125 64375 4105605625 4096000000 4241265625 4241265625 4144140625
64075 64000 65125 65125 64375 63950 4096000000 4241265625 4241265625 4144140625 4089602500
64000 65125 65125 64375 63950 65025 4241265625 4241265625 4144140625 4089602500 4228250625
65125 65125 64375 63950 65025 62500 4241265625 4144140625 4089602500 4228250625 3906250000
65125 64375 63950 65025 62500 62500 4144140625 4089602500 4228250625 3906250000 3906250000
64375 63950 65025 62500 62500 61000 4089602500 4228250625 3906250000 3906250000 3721000000
63950 65025 62500 62500 61000 60000 4228250625 3906250000 3906250000 3721000000 3600000000
65025 62500 62500 61000 60000 61125 3906250000 3906250000 3721000000 3600000000 3736265625
62500 62500 61000 60000 61125 62450 3906250000 3721000000 3600000000 3736265625 3900002500
62500 61000 60000 61125 62450 63275 3721000000 3600000000 3736265625 3900002500 4003725625
61000 60000 61125 62450 63275 64450 3600000000 3736265625 3900002500 4003725625 4153802500
60000 61125 62450 63275 64450 64000 3736265625 3900002500 4003725625 4153802500 4096000000
61125 62450 63275 64450 64000 63300 3900002500 4003725625 4153802500 4096000000 4006890000
62450 63275 64450 64000 63300 62500 4003725625 4153802500 4096000000 4006890000 3906250000
63275 64450 64000 63300 62500 64400 4153802500 4096000000 4006890000 3906250000 4147360000
64450 64000 63300 62500 64400 63875 4096000000 4006890000 3906250000 4147360000 4080015625
64000 63300 62500 64400 63875 64900 4006890000 3906250000 4147360000 4080015625 4212010000
63300 62500 64400 63875 64900 65800 3906250000 4147360000 4080015625 4212010000 4329640000
62500 64400 63875 64900 65800 66825 4147360000 4080015625 4212010000 4329640000 4465580625
64400 63875 64900 65800 66825 66300 4080015625 4212010000 4329640000 4465580625 4395690000
63875 64900 65800 66825 66300 67000 4212010000 4329640000 4465580625 4395690000 4489000000
64900 65800 66825 66300 67000 67150 4329640000 4465580625 4395690000 4489000000 4509122500
65800 66825 66300 67000 67150 68025 4465580625 4395690000 4489000000 4509122500 4627400625
66825 66300 67000 67150 68025 67500 4395690000 4489000000 4509122500 4627400625 4556250000
66300 67000 67150 68025 67500 64800 4489000000 4509122500 4627400625 4556250000 4199040000
67000 67150 68025 67500 64800 64925 4509122500 4627400625 4556250000 4199040000 4215255625
67150 68025 67500 64800 64925 65900 4627400625 4556250000 4199040000 4215255625 4342810000
68025 67500 64800 64925 65900 66000 4556250000 4199040000 4215255625 4342810000 4356000000
67500 64800 64925 65900 66000 66225 4199040000 4215255625 4342810000 4356000000 4385750625
64800 64925 65900 66000 66225 65500 4215255625 4342810000 4356000000 4385750625 4290250000
64925 65900 66000 66225 65500 66775 4342810000 4356000000 4385750625 4290250000 4458900625
65900 66000 66225 65500 66775 67800 4356000000 4385750625 4290250000 4458900625 4596840000
66000 66225 65500 66775 67800 68850 4385750625 4290250000 4458900625 4596840000 4740322500
66225 65500 66775 67800 68850 68850 4290250000 4458900625 4596840000 4740322500 4740322500
65500 66775 67800 68850 68850 69275 4458900625 4596840000 4740322500 4740322500 4799025625
66775 67800 68850 68850 69275 68125 4596840000 4740322500 4740322500 4799025625 4641015625
67800 68850 68850 69275 68125 67525 4740322500 4740322500 4799025625 4641015625 4559625625
68850 68850 69275 68125 67525 68800 4740322500 4799025625 4641015625 4559625625 4733440000
68850 69275 68125 67525 68800 69200 4799025625 4641015625 4559625625 4733440000 4788640000
69275 68125 67525 68800 69200 71000 4641015625 4559625625 4733440000 4788640000 5041000000
68125 67525 68800 69200 71000 75000 4559625625 4733440000 4788640000 5041000000 5625000000
67525 68800 69200 71000 75000 77500 4733440000 4788640000 5041000000 5625000000 6006250000
68800 69200 71000 75000 77500 77100 4788640000 5041000000 5625000000 6006250000 5944410000
69200 71000 75000 77500 77100 75025 5041000000 5625000000 6006250000 5944410000 5628750625
71000 75000 77500 77100 75025 71900 5625000000 6006250000 5944410000 5628750625 5169610000
75000 77500 77100 75025 71900 71225 6006250000 5944410000 5628750625 5169610000 5073000625
77500 77100 75025 71900 71225 70400 5944410000 5628750625 5169610000 5073000625 4956160000
77100 75025 71900 71225 70400 72125 5628750625 5169610000 5073000625 4956160000 5202015625
75025 71900 71225 70400 72125 72250 5169610000 5073000625 4956160000 5202015625 5220062500
71900 71225 70400 72125 72250 70225 5073000625 4956160000 5202015625 5220062500 4931550625
71225 70400 72125 72250 70225 72000 4956160000 5202015625 5220062500 4931550625 5184000000
70400 72125 72250 70225 72000 68250 5202015625 5220062500 4931550625 5184000000 4658062500
72125 72250 70225 72000 68250 69000 5220062500 4931550625 5184000000 4658062500 4761000000
72250 70225 72000 68250 69000 67925 4931550625 5184000000 4658062500 4761000000 4613805625
70225 72000 68250 69000 67925 68725 5184000000 4658062500 4761000000 4613805625 4723125625
72000 68250 69000 67925 68725 65775 4658062500 4761000000 4613805625 4723125625 4326350625
68250 69000 67925 68725 65775 66000 4761000000 4613805625 4723125625 4326350625 4356000000
69000 67925 68725 65775 66000 65450 4613805625 4723125625 4326350625 4356000000 4283702500
67925 68725 65775 66000 65450 66375 4723125625 4326350625 4356000000 4283702500 4405640625
68725 65775 66000 65450 66375 66250 4326350625 4356000000 4283702500 4405640625 4389062500
65775 66000 65450 66375 66250 63400 4356000000 4283702500 4405640625 4389062500 4019560000
66000 65450 66375 66250 63400 63350 4283702500 4405640625 4389062500 4019560000 4013222500
65450 66375 66250 63400 63350 63350 4405640625 4389062500 4019560000 4013222500 4013222500
66375 66250 63400 63350 63350 64350 4389062500 4019560000 4013222500 4013222500 4140922500
66250 63400 63350 63350 64350 68025 4019560000 4013222500 4013222500 4140922500 4627400625
63400 63350 63350 64350 68025 67900 4013222500 4013222500 4140922500 4627400625 4610410000
63350 63350 64350 68025 67900 67575 4013222500 4140922500 4627400625 4610410000 4566380625
63350 64350 68025 67900 67575 68125 4140922500 4627400625 4610410000 4566380625 4641015625
64350 68025 67900 67575 68125 69550 4627400625 4610410000 4566380625 4641015625 4837202500
68025 67900 67575 68125 69550 70350 4610410000 4566380625 4641015625 4837202500 4949122500
67900 67575 68125 69550 70350 70000 4566380625 4641015625 4837202500 4949122500 4900000000
67575 68125 69550 70350 70000 69575 4641015625 4837202500 4949122500 4900000000 4840680625
68125 69550 70350 70000 69575 69025 4837202500 4949122500 4900000000 4840680625 4764450625
69550 70350 70000 69575 69025 69000 4949122500 4900000000 4840680625 4764450625 4761000000
70350 70000 69575 69025 69000 69200 4900000000 4840680625 4764450625 4761000000 4788640000
70000 69575 69025 69000 69200 70000 4840680625 4764450625 4761000000 4788640000 4900000000
69575 69025 69000 69200 70000 71325 4764450625 4761000000 4788640000 4900000000 5087255625
69025 69000 69200 70000 71325 70000 4761000000 4788640000 4900000000 5087255625 4900000000
69000 69200 70000 71325 70000 71000 4788640000 4900000000 5087255625 4900000000 5041000000
69200 70000 71325 70000 71000 71150 4900000000 5087255625 4900000000 5041000000 5062322500
70000 71325 70000 71000 71150 73925 5087255625 4900000000 5041000000 5062322500 5464905625
71325 70000 71000 71150 73925 72525 4900000000 5041000000 5062322500 5464905625 5259875625
70000 71000 71150 73925 72525 71000 5041000000 5062322500 5464905625 5259875625 5041000000
71000 71150 73925 72525 71000 72000 5062322500 5464905625 5259875625 5041000000 5184000000
71150 73925 72525 71000 72000 73000 5464905625 5259875625 5041000000 5184000000 5329000000
73925 72525 71000 72000 73000 71200 5259875625 5041000000 5184000000 5329000000 5069440000
72525 71000 72000 73000 71200 71225 5041000000 5184000000 5329000000 5069440000 5073000625
71000 72000 73000 71200 71225 73800 5184000000 5329000000 5069440000 5073000625 5446440000
72000 73000 71200 71225 73800 70900 5329000000 5069440000 5073000625 5446440000 5026810000
73000 71200 71225 73800 70900 71050 5069440000 5073000625 5446440000 5026810000 5048102500
71200 71225 73800 70900 71050 67775 5073000625 5446440000 5026810000 5048102500 4593450625
71225 73800 70900 71050 67775 67900 5446440000 5026810000 5048102500 4593450625 4610410000
73800 70900 71050 67775 67900 68100 5026810000 5048102500 4593450625 4610410000 4637610000
70900 71050 67775 67900 68100 71600 5048102500 4593450625 4610410000 4637610000 5126560000
71050 67775 67900 68100 71600 69250 4593450625 4610410000 4637610000 5126560000 4795562500
67775 67900 68100 71600 69250 71550 4610410000 4637610000 5126560000 4795562500 5119402500
67900 68100 71600 69250 71550 70200 4637610000 5126560000 4795562500 5119402500 4928040000
68100 71600 69250 71550 70200 69200 5126560000 4795562500 5119402500 4928040000 4788640000
71600 69250 71550 70200 69200 68000 4795562500 5119402500 4928040000 4788640000 4624000000
69250 71550 70200 69200 68000 67000 5119402500 4928040000 4788640000 4624000000 4489000000
71550 70200 69200 68000 67000 65500 4928040000 4788640000 4624000000 4489000000 4290250000
70200 69200 68000 67000 65500 65850 4788640000 4624000000 4489000000 4290250000 4336222500
69200 68000 67000 65500 65850 67500 4624000000 4489000000 4290250000 4336222500 4556250000
68000 67000 65500 65850 67500 67500 4489000000 4290250000 4336222500 4556250000 4556250000
67000 65500 65850 67500 67500 67500 4290250000 4336222500 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000
65500 65850 67500 67500 67500 67500 4336222500 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000
65850 67500 67500 67500 67500 67500 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000
67500 67500 67500 67500 67500 67500 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000
67500 67500 67500 67500 67500 66000 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000 4356000000
67500 67500 67500 67500 66000 66000 4556250000 4556250000 4556250000 4356000000 4356000000
67500 67500 67500 66000 66000 67150 4556250000 4556250000 4356000000 4356000000 4509122500
67500 67500 66000 66000 67150 67000 4556250000 4356000000 4356000000 4509122500 4489000000
67500 66000 66000 67150 67000 66575 4356000000 4356000000 4509122500 4489000000 4432230625
66000 66000 67150 67000 66575 65900 4356000000 4509122500 4489000000 4432230625 4342810000
66000 67150 67000 66575 65900 65200 4509122500 4489000000 4432230625 4342810000 4251040000
67150 67000 66575 65900 65200 65300 4489000000 4432230625 4342810000 4251040000 4264090000
67000 66575 65900 65200 65300 62800 4432230625 4342810000 4251040000 4264090000 3943840000
66575 65900 65200 65300 62800 61000 4342810000 4251040000 4264090000 3943840000 3721000000
65900 65200 65300 62800 61000 59300 4251040000 4264090000 3943840000 3721000000 3516490000
65200 65300 62800 61000 59300 60625 4264090000 3943840000 3721000000 3516490000 3675390625
65300 62800 61000 59300 60625 61150 3943840000 3721000000 3516490000 3675390625 3739322500
62800 61000 59300 60625 61150 59300 3721000000 3516490000 3675390625 3739322500 3516490000
61000 59300 60625 61150 59300 60800 3516490000 3675390625 3739322500 3516490000 3696640000
59300 60625 61150 59300 60800 61000 3675390625 3739322500 3516490000 3696640000 3721000000
60625 61150 59300 60800 61000 62500 3739322500 3516490000 3696640000 3721000000 3906250000
61150 59300 60800 61000 62500 63000 3516490000 3696640000 3721000000 3906250000 3969000000
59300 60800 61000 62500 63000 65600 3696640000 3721000000 3906250000 3969000000 4303360000
60800 61000 62500 63000 65600 65575 3721000000 3906250000 3969000000 4303360000 4300080625
61000 62500 63000 65600 65575 65575 3906250000 3969000000 4303360000 4300080625 4300080625
62500 63000 65600 65575 65575 65575 3969000000 4303360000 4300080625 4300080625 4300080625
63000 65600 65575 65575 65575 63150 4303360000 4300080625 4300080625 4300080625 3987922500
65600 65575 65575 65575 63150 65025 4300080625 4300080625 4300080625 3987922500 4228250625
65575 65575 65575 63150 65025 66200 4300080625 4300080625 3987922500 4228250625 4382440000
65575 65575 63150 65025 66200 66000 4300080625 3987922500 4228250625 4382440000 4356000000
65575 63150 65025 66200 66000 64550 3987922500 4228250625 4382440000 4356000000 4166702500
63150 65025 66200 66000 64550 63175 4228250625 4382440000 4356000000 4166702500 3991080625
65025 66200 66000 64550 63175 63700 4382440000 4356000000 4166702500 3991080625 4057690000
66200 66000 64550 63175 63700 63000 4356000000 4166702500 3991080625 4057690000 3969000000
66000 64550 63175 63700 63000 61800 4166702500 3991080625 4057690000 3969000000 3819240000
64550 63175 63700 63000 61800 65500 3991080625 4057690000 3969000000 3819240000 4290250000
63175 63700 63000 61800 65500 66100 4057690000 3969000000 3819240000 4290250000 4369210000
63700 63000 61800 65500 66100 65400 3969000000 3819240000 4290250000 4369210000 4277160000
63000 61800 65500 66100 65400 64125 3819240000 4290250000 4369210000 4277160000 4112015625
61800 65500 66100 65400 64125 63500 4290250000 4369210000 4277160000 4112015625 4032250000
65500 66100 65400 64125 63500 63475 4369210000 4277160000 4112015625 4032250000 4029075625
66100 65400 64125 63500 63475 61500 4277160000 4112015625 4032250000 4029075625 3782250000
65400 64125 63500 63475 61500 61500 4112015625 4032250000 4029075625 3782250000 3782250000
64125 63500 63475 61500 61500 60700 4032250000 4029075625 3782250000 3782250000 3684490000
63500 63475 61500 61500 60700 61000 4029075625 3782250000 3782250000 3684490000 3721000000
63475 61500 61500 60700 61000 61500 3782250000 3782250000 3684490000 3721000000 3782250000
61500 61500 60700 61000 61500 60600 3782250000 3684490000 3721000000 3782250000 3672360000
61500 60700 61000 61500 60600 60200 3684490000 3721000000 3782250000 3672360000 3624040000
60700 61000 61500 60600 60200 59900 3721000000 3782250000 3672360000 3624040000 3588010000
61000 61500 60600 60200 59900 58250 3782250000 3672360000 3624040000 3588010000 3393062500
61500 60600 60200 59900 58250 57900 3672360000 3624040000 3588010000 3393062500 3352410000
60600 60200 59900 58250 57900 58025 3624040000 3588010000 3393062500 3352410000 3366900625
60200 59900 58250 57900 58025 58350 3588010000 3393062500 3352410000 3366900625 3404722500
59900 58250 57900 58025 58350 58000 3393062500 3352410000 3366900625 3404722500 3364000000
58250 57900 58025 58350 58000 58800 3352410000 3366900625 3404722500 3364000000 3457440000
57900 58025 58350 58000 58800 55875 3366900625 3404722500 3364000000 3457440000 3122015625
58025 58350 58000 58800 55875 54975 3404722500 3364000000 3457440000 3122015625 3022250625
58350 58000 58800 55875 54975 55250 3364000000 3457440000 3122015625 3022250625 3052562500
58000 58800 55875 54975 55250 55400 3457440000 3122015625 3022250625 3052562500 3069160000
58800 55875 54975 55250 55400 55500 3122015625 3022250625 3052562500 3069160000 3080250000
55875 54975 55250 55400 55500 55000 3022250625 3052562500 3069160000 3080250000 3025000000
54975 55250 55400 55500 55000 55500 3052562500 3069160000 3080250000 3025000000 3080250000
55250 55400 55500 55000 55500 56300 3069160000 3080250000 3025000000 3080250000 3169690000
55400 55500 55000 55500 56300 55800 3080250000 3025000000 3080250000 3169690000 3113640000
55500 55000 55500 56300 55800 55900 3025000000 3080250000 3169690000 3113640000 3124810000
55000 55500 56300 55800 55900 56000 3080250000 3169690000 3113640000 3124810000 3136000000
55500 56300 55800 55900 56000 54500 3169690000 3113640000 3124810000 3136000000 2970250000
56300 55800 55900 56000 54500 55100 3113640000 3124810000 3136000000 2970250000 3036010000
55800 55900 56000 54500 55100 54025 3124810000 3136000000 2970250000 3036010000 2918700625
55900 56000 54500 55100 54025 54750 3136000000 2970250000 3036010000 2918700625 2997562500
56000 54500 55100 54025 54750 53400 2970250000 3036010000 2918700625 2997562500 2851560000
54500 55100 54025 54750 53400 53725 3036010000 2918700625 2997562500 2851560000 2886375625
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[0;0;0;0;4.963032e-01;0;0;0;9.922694e-01;0;0;0;7.373894e-01;0;0;0;0;0;1.594092e-01;-7.100904e-01;2.441103e-01;0;0;0;0] 9.180107e-02 1.089312e+01
[0;7.825293e-02;3.330558e-01;0;-6.577579e-01;0;3.383506e-01;9.372987e-01;0;0;-2.474556e-01;0;1;-5.476246e-01;0;0;-4.694382e-01;9.653268e-01;-3.122460e-01;-7.844620e-01;7.593074e-01;-4.785440e-01;-9.549748e-01;0;1] 9.056965e-02 1.104123e+01
[0;7.825293e-02;3.330558e-01;0;-6.577579e-01;0;3.383506e-01;0;0;0;-2.474556e-01;0;1;-5.476246e-01;0;1;-4.694382e-01;9.653268e-01;-3.122460e-01;-7.844620e-01;7.593074e-01;-4.785440e-01;-9.549748e-01;0;1] 9.056965e-02 1.104123e+01
[0;7.825293e-02;3.330558e-01;0;-6.577579e-01;0;3.383506e-01;0;0;0;-2.474556e-01;0;1;-5.476246e-01;0;1;-4.694382e-01;9.653268e-01;0;-7.844620e-01;7.593074e-01;-4.785440e-01;-9.549748e-01;0;1] 9.056965e-02 1.104123e+01
[1;7.825293e-02;3.330558e-01;0;-6.577579e-01;0;3.383506e-01;0;0;0;-2.474556e-01;0;1;0;0;1;-4.694382e-01;9.653268e-01;0;-7.844620e-01;7.593074e-01;-4.785440e-01;-9.549748e-01;0;1] 9.235356e-02 1.082795e+01
[1;7.825293e-02;3.330558e-01;0;-6.577579e-01;0;3.383506e-01;0;0;0;-2.474556e-01;0;1;0;0;1;-4.694382e-01;9.653268e-01;1;-7.844620e-01;7.593074e-01;-4.785440e-01;-9.549748e-01;0;1] 9.293112e-02 1.076066e+01
[1;7.825293e-02;3.330558e-01;0;0;0;3.383506e-01;0;0;0;-2.474556e-01;0;1;0;0;1;-4.694382e-01;9.653268e-01;1;-7.844620e-01;7.593074e-01;-4.785440e-01;-9.549748e-01;0;1] 9.331288e-02 1.071663e+01
[1;7.825293e-02;3.330558e-01;0;0;0;3.383506e-01;0;0;0;-2.474556e-01;0;1;0;0;0;-4.694382e-01;9.653268e-01;1;-7.844620e-01;7.593074e-01;-4.785440e-01;-9.549748e-01;0;1] 9.273307e-02 1.078364e+01
[1;7.825293e-02;3.330558e-01;0;0;0;3.383506e-01;1;0;0;-2.474556e-01;0;1;0;0;0;-4.694382e-01;9.653268e-01;1;-7.844620e-01;7.593074e-01;0;-9.549748e-01;0;1] 9.359153e-02 1.068473e+01
54500 56000 55900 55800 56300 2970250000 3136000000 3124810000 3113640000 3169690000
-2.823451e+04 54500 56000 55900 55800 7.971877e+08 2970250000 3136000000 3124810000 3113640000
-2.778369e+04 -2.823451e+04 54500 56000 55900 7.719332e+08 7.971877e+08 2970250000 3136000000 3124810000
-2.810105e+04 -2.778369e+04 -2.823451e+04 54500 56000 7.896691e+08 7.719332e+08 7.971877e+08 2970250000 3136000000
-4.225740e+04 -2.810105e+04 -2.778369e+04 -2.823451e+04 54500 1.785688e+09 7.896691e+08 7.719332e+08 7.971877e+08 2970250000
9 176 205 28 299 227 10 20 0 24 105 45 91 30976 42025 784 89401 51529 100 400 0 576 11025 2025 8281
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[1,1, datake-11]
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Petunjuk instalasi:
1. Install matlab
2. Copy projek ke direktori anda
3. Jalankan ForecastingData.m
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function m=meandata(data)
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