* @param string $filePath file name with full path
* @param array $options additional options:
* <ul>
* <li>saveName: file name shown to the user, if not set real file name will be used</li>
* <li>mimeType: mime type of the file, if not set it will be guessed automatically based on the file name, if set to null no content-type header will be sent.</li>
* <li>xHeader: appropriate x-sendfile header, defaults to "X-Sendfile"</li>
* <li>terminate: whether to terminate the current application after calling this method, defaults to true</li>
* <li>forceDownload: specifies whether the file will be downloaded or shown inline, defaults to true. (Since version 1.1.9.)</li>
* <li>addHeaders: an array of additional http headers in header-value pairs (available since version 1.1.10)</li>