Commit 2b63dc88 by Alexander Kochetov

Bundle names and depency fixes

parent c3bce6b6
return array(
'yii/bootstrap' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/css' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'css' => array(
YII_DEBUG ? 'css/bootstrap.css' : 'css/bootstrap.min.css',
'yii/bootstrap-responsive' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/css-responsive' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'css' => array(
YII_DEBUG ? 'css/bootstrap-responsive.css' : 'css/bootstrap-responsive.min.css',
'depends' => array('yii/bootstrap'),
'yii/bootstrap-js' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/all' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
YII_DEBUG ? 'js/bootstrap.js' : 'js/bootstrap.min.js',
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-affix' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/affix' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-alert' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/alert' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-button' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/button' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-carousel' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/carousel' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-collapse' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/collapse' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-dropdown' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/dropdown' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-modal' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/modal' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-popover' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/popover' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery','yii/bootstrap-js-tooltip'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/tooltip', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-scrollspy' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/scrollspy' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-tab' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/tab' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-tooltip' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/tooltip' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-transition' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/transition' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
'yii/bootstrap-js-typeahead' => array(
'yii/bootstrap/typeahead' => array(
'sourcePath' => __DIR__ . '/assets',
'js' => array(
'depends' => array('yii/jquery'),
'depends' => array('yii/jquery', 'yii/bootstrap/css'),
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