Commit 41177b02 by Carsten Brandt


fixed indentation
parent b90f8865
......@@ -77,50 +77,50 @@ Upgrade from Yii 2.0 Beta
* `\yii\rbac\PhpManager` now stores data in three separate files instead of one. In order to convert old file to
new ones save the following code as `convert.php` that should be placed in the same directory your `rbac.php` is in:
$oldFile = 'rbac.php';
$itemsFile = 'items.php';
$assignmentsFile = 'assignments.php';
$rulesFile = 'rules.php';
$oldData = include $oldFile;
function saveToFile($data, $fileName) {
$out = var_export($data, true);
$out = "<?php\nreturn " . $out . ";";
$out = str_replace(['array (', ')'], ['[', ']'], $out);
file_put_contents($fileName, $out);
$items = [];
$assignments = [];
if (isset($oldData['items'])) {
foreach ($oldData['items'] as $name => $data) {
if (isset($data['assignments'])) {
foreach ($data['assignments'] as $userId => $assignmentData) {
$assignments[$userId] = $assignmentData['roleName'];
$items[$name] = $data;
$rules = [];
if (isset($oldData['rules'])) {
$rules = $oldData['rules'];
saveToFile($items, $itemsFile);
saveToFile($assignments, $assignmentsFile);
saveToFile($rules, $rulesFile);
echo "Done!\n";
Run it once, delete `rbac.php`. If you've configured `authFile` property, remove the line from config and instead
configure `itemFile`, `assignmentFile` and `ruleFile`.
$oldFile = 'rbac.php';
$itemsFile = 'items.php';
$assignmentsFile = 'assignments.php';
$rulesFile = 'rules.php';
$oldData = include $oldFile;
function saveToFile($data, $fileName) {
$out = var_export($data, true);
$out = "<?php\nreturn " . $out . ";";
$out = str_replace(['array (', ')'], ['[', ']'], $out);
file_put_contents($fileName, $out);
$items = [];
$assignments = [];
if (isset($oldData['items'])) {
foreach ($oldData['items'] as $name => $data) {
if (isset($data['assignments'])) {
foreach ($data['assignments'] as $userId => $assignmentData) {
$assignments[$userId] = $assignmentData['roleName'];
$items[$name] = $data;
$rules = [];
if (isset($oldData['rules'])) {
$rules = $oldData['rules'];
saveToFile($items, $itemsFile);
saveToFile($assignments, $assignmentsFile);
saveToFile($rules, $rulesFile);
echo "Done!\n";
Run it once, delete `rbac.php`. If you've configured `authFile` property, remove the line from config and instead
configure `itemFile`, `assignmentFile` and `ruleFile`.
* Static helper `yii\helpers\Security` has been converted into an application component. You should change all usage of
its methods to a new syntax, for example: instead of `yii\helpers\Security::hashData()` use `Yii::$app->getSecurity()->hashData()`.
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