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Yii relies on the [class autoloading mechanism](
to locate and include required class files. It provides a high-performance class autoloader that is compliant to the
[PSR-4 标准](
The autoloader is installed when you include the `Yii.php` file.
Yii 依靠[类自动加载机制(来定位和包含所需的类文件。它提供一个高性能且完美支持[PSR-4 标准]([中文汉化](的自动加载器。该自动加载器会在包含 `Yii.php` 文件时安装好。
> Note: For simplicity of description, in this section we will only talk about autoloading of classes. However, keep in
mind that the content we are describing here applies to autoloading of interfaces and traits as well.
> 注意:为了简化叙述,本篇文档中我们只会提及类的自动加载。不过,要记得文中的描述同样也适用于接口和Trait(特质)的自动加载哦。
使用 Yii 自动加载器 <a name="using-yii-autoloader"></a>
To make use of the Yii class autoloader, you should follow two simple rules when creating and naming your classes:
要使用 Yii 的类自动加载器,你需要在创建和命名尼德类的时候遵循两个简单的规则:
* Each class must be under some namespace (e.g. `foo\bar\MyClass`).
* Each class must be saved in an individual file whose path is determined by the following algorithm:
* 每个类都必须置于命名空间之下 (比如 `foo\bar\MyClass`)。
* 每个类都必须保存为单独文件,且其完整路径能用以下算法取得:
// $className is a fully qualified class name with the leading backslash
// $className 是一个开头包含反斜杠的完整类名(译者注:请自行谷歌:fully qualified class name)
$classFile = Yii::getAlias('@' . str_replace('\\', '/', $className) . '.php');
For example, if a class name is `foo\bar\MyClass`, the [alias]( for the corresponding class file path
would be `@foo/bar/MyClass.php`. In order for this alias to be able to be resolved into a file path,
either `@foo` or `@foo/bar` must be a [root alias](
举例来说,若某个类名为 `foo\bar\MyClass`,对应类的文件路径[别名](会是
When you are using the [Basic Application Template](, you may put your classes under the top-level
namespace `app` so that they can be autoloaded by Yii without the need of defining a new alias. This is because
`@app` is a [predefined alias](, and a class name like `app\components\MyClass`
can be resolved into the class file `AppBasePath/components/MyClass.php`, according to the algorithm we just described.
当我们使用[基本应用模版](时,你可以把你的类放置在顶级命名空间 `app` 下,这样它们就可以被 Yii
自动加载,而无需定义一个新的别名。这是因为 `@app` 本身是一个[预定义别名](,且类似于 `app\components\MyClass` 这样的类名,基于我们刚才所提到的算法,可以正确解析出 `AppBasePath/components/MyClass.php` 路径。
In the [Advanced Application Template](, each tier has its own root alias. For example,
the front-end tier has a root alias `@frontend` while the back-end tier `@backend`. As a result, you may
put the front-end classes under the namespace `frontend` while the back-end classes under `backend`. This will
allow these classes to be autoloaded by the Yii autoloader.
[高级应用模版](里,每一逻辑层级会使用他自己的根别名。比如,在前端层,会使用 `@frontend`
而后端层会使用 `@backend`。因此,你可以把前端的类放在 `frontend` 命名空间,而后端的类放在 `backend`。 这样这些类就可以被 Yii 自动加载了。
类映射表(Class Map) <a name="class-map"></a>
The Yii class autoloader supports the *class map* feature which maps class names to the corresponding class file paths.
When the autoloader is loading a class, it will first check if the class is found in the map. If so, the corresponding
file path will be included directly without further check. This makes class autoloading super fast. In fact,
all core Yii classes are being autoloaded this way.
Yii 类自动加载器支持 **类映射表** 功能,该功能会建立一个从类的名字到类文件路径的映射。当自动加载器加载一个文件时,他首先检查映射表里有没有该类。如果有,对应的文件路径就直接加载了,省掉了进一步的检查。它可以让类的自动加载变得炒鸡快!事实上,所有的 Yii 核心类都是这样加载的。
You may add a class to the class map `Yii::$classMap` as follows,
你可以用 `Yii::$classMap` 方法向映射表中添加类,
Yii::$classMap['foo\bar\MyClass'] = 'path/to/MyClass.php';
[Aliases]( can be used to specify class file paths. You should set the class map in the
[bootstrapping]( process so that the map is ready before your classes are used.
用其他自动加载器 <a name="using-other-autoloaders"></a>
Because Yii embraces Composer as a package dependency manager, it is recommended that you also install
the Composer autoloader. If you are using some 3rd-party libraries that have their autoloaders, you should
also install them.
因为 Yii 完全支持 Composer 成为一个依赖包管理器,所以推荐你也同时安装 Composer 的自动加载器,如果你用了一些自带自动加载器的第三方类库,你应该也安装下它们。
When you are using the Yii autoloader together with other autoloaders, you should include the `Yii.php` file
*after* all other autoloaders are installed. This will make the Yii autoloader to be the first one responding to
any class autoloading request. For example, the following code is extracted from
the [entry script]( of the [Basic Application Template]( The first
line installs the Composer autoloader, while the second line installs the Yii autoloader.
在你同时使用其他自动加载器和 Yii 自动加载器的时候,你应该在其他自动加载器安装成功 **之后**,再包含`Yii.php`
文件。这将使 Yii 成为第一个响应任何类自动加载请求的自动加载器。举例来说,以下代码提取自[基本应用模版]([入口脚本]( 。第一行安装了 Composer 的自动加载器,第二行才是 Yii 的自动加载器:
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php');
You may use the Composer autoloader alone without the Yii autoloader. However, by doing so, the performance
of your class autoloading may be degraded, and you must follow the rules set by Composer in order for your classes
to be autoloadable.
你也可以只使用 Composer 的自动加载,而不用 Yii 的自动加载。不过这样做的话,类的加载效率会下降,且你必须遵循 Composer 所设定的规则,从而让你的类满足可以被自动加载的要求。
> Info: If you do not want to use the Yii autoloader, you must create your own version of the `Yii.php` file
and include it in your [entry script](
> 补充:若你不想要使用 Yii 的自动加载器,你必须创建一个你自己版本的 `Yii.php` 文件,并把它包含进你的[入口脚本](里。
自动加载扩展类 <a name="autoloading-extension-classes"></a>
The Yii autoloader is capable of autoloading [extension]( classes. The sole requirement
is that an extension specifies the `autoload` section correctly in its `composer.json` file. Please refer to the
[Composer documentation]( for more details about specifying `autoload`.
Yii 自动加载器支持自动加载[扩展](的类。唯一的要求是它需要在 `composer.json`
文件里正确地定义 `autoload` 部分。请参考 [Composer 文档(英文)]([中文汉化](,来了解如何正确描述 `autoload` 的更多细节。
In case you do not use the Yii autoloader, the Composer autoloader can still autoload extension classes for you.
在你不使用 Yii 的自动加载器时,Composer 的自动加载器仍然可以帮你自动加载扩展内的类。
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