After installing Yii, you have a working Yii application that can be accessed via the URL `http://hostname/basic/web/index.php` or `http://hostname/index.php`, depending upon your configuration. This section will introduce the application's built-in fucntionality, how the code is organized,
and how the application handles requests in general.
> Info: For simplicity, throughout this "Getting Started" tutorial, it's assumed that you have set `basic/web`
as the document root of your Web server, and configured, the URL for accessing
your application to be `http://hostname/index.php` or something similar.
For your needs, please adjust the URLs in our descriptions accordingly.
Functionality <a name="functionality"></a>
The basic application installed contains four pages:
* the homepage, displayed when you access the URL `http://hostname/index.php`
* the "About" page
* the "Contact" page displays a contact form that allows end users to contact you via email
* the "Login" page displays a login form that can be used to authenticate end users. Try logging in
with "admin/admin", and you will find the "Login" main menu item will change to "Logout".
These pages share a common header and footer. The header contains a main menu bar to allow navigation
among different pages.
You should also see a toolbar at the bottom of the browser window.
This is a useful [debugger tool]( provided by Yii to record and display a lot of debugging information, such as log messages, response statuses, the database queries run, and so on.