Commit bb4073c9 by Alexander Makarov

Fixes #1838: documented Yii-specific syntax for Twig extension

parent 7f6fc398
......@@ -44,15 +44,44 @@ That code would be added to the `require` section of `composer.json`. After maki
To use Twig, you need to create templates in files that have the `.twig` extension (or use another file extension but configure the component accordingly).
Unlike standard view files, when using Twig you must include the extension in your `$this->render()`
or `$this->renderPartial()` controller calls:
To use Twig, you need to create templates in files that have the `.twig` extension (or use another file extension but
configure the component accordingly). Unlike standard view files, when using Twig you must include the extension
in your `$this->render()` or `$this->renderPartial()` controller calls:
echo $this->render('renderer.twig', ['username' => 'Alex']);
### Forms
### Template syntax
The best resource to learn Twig basics is its official documentation you can find at
[]( Additionally there are Yii-specific addtions
described below.
#### Method and function calls
If you need result you can call a method or a function using the following syntax:
{% set result = my_function({'a' : 'b'}) %}
{% set result = myObject.my_function({'a' : 'b'}) %}
If you need to echo result instead of assigning it to a variable:
{{ my_function({'a' : 'b'}) }}
{{ myObject.my_function({'a' : 'b'}) }}
In case you don't need result you shoud use `void` wrapper:
{{ void(my_function({'a' : 'b'})) }}
{{ void(myObject.my_function({'a' : 'b'})} }}
#### Forms
There are two form helper functions `form_begin` and `form_end` to make using forms more convenient:
......@@ -71,9 +100,9 @@ There are two form helper functions `form_begin` and `form_end` to make using fo
### Getting URL for a route
#### URLs
There are two functions you can use for URLs:
There are two functions you can use for building URLs:
<a href="{{ path('blog/view', {'alias' : post.alias}) }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
......@@ -82,17 +111,22 @@ There are two functions you can use for URLs:
`path` generates relative URL while `url` generates absolute one. Internally both are using [[\yii\helpers\Url]].
### Additional variables
#### Additional variables
Within Twig templates, you can also make use of these variables:
Within Twig templates the following variables are always defined:
- `app`, which equates to `\Yii::$app`
- `this`, which equates to the current `View` object
### Globals
### Additional configuration
Yii Twig extension allows you to define your own syntax and bring regular helper classes into templates. Let's review
configuration options.
#### Globals
You can add global helpers or values via the application configuration's `globals` variable. You can define both Yii helpers and your own
variables there:
You can add global helpers or values via the application configuration's `globals` variable. You can define both Yii
helpers and your own variables there:
'globals' => [
......@@ -107,7 +141,25 @@ Once configured, in your template you can use the globals in the following way:
Hello, {{name}}! {{ html.a('Please login', 'site/login') | raw }}.
### Additional filters
#### Functions
You can define additional functions like the following:
'functions' => [
'rot13' => 'str_rot13',
'truncate' => '\yii\helpers\StringHelper::truncate',
In template they could be used like the following:
`{{ rot13('test') }}`
`{{ truncate(post.text, 100) }}`
#### Filters
Additional filters may be added via the application configuration's `filters` option:
......@@ -117,7 +169,7 @@ Additional filters may be added via the application configuration's `filters` op
Then in the template you can use:
Then in the template you can apply filter using the following syntax:
{{ model|jsonEncode }}
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