Commit e1bdc9cd by Alexander Makarov

Fixes #3674: Various Twig enhancements:

- Removed `FileLoader` and used `\Twig_Loader_Filesystem` instead. - Added support of Yii's aliases. - Added `set()` that allows setting object properties.
parent 898499ed
......@@ -82,6 +82,15 @@ In case you don't need result you shoud use `void` wrapper:
{{ void(myObject.my_function({'a' : 'b'})) }}
#### Setting object properties
There's a special function called `set` that allows you to set property of an object. For example, the following
in the template will change page title:
{{ set(this, 'title', 'New title') }}
#### Importing namespaces and classes
You can import additional classes and namespaces right in the template:
......@@ -97,6 +106,23 @@ Aliased class import:
{{ use({'alias' => '/app/widgets/MyWidget'}) }}
#### Referencing other views
There are two ways of referencing views in `include` and `extends` statements:
{% include "comment.twig" %}
{% extends "post.twig" %
{% include "@app/views/snippets/avatar.twig" %}
{% extends "@app/views/layouts/2columns.twig" %}
In the first case the view will be searched relatively to the path current view is in. For `comment.twig` and `post.twig`
that means these will be searched in the same directory as the view that's rendered currently.
In the second case we're using path aliases. All the Yii aliases such as `@app` are available by default.
#### Widgets
Extension helps using widgets in convenient way converting their syntax to function calls:
......@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ Yii Framework 2 twig extension Change Log
- Bug #3767: Fixed repeated adding of extensions when using config. One may now pass extension instances as well (grachov)
- Bug #3877: Fixed `lexerOptions` throwing exception (dapatrese)
- Enh #1799: Added `form_begin`, `form_end` to twig extension (samdark)
- Enh #3674: Various enhancements (samdark)
- Removed `FileLoader` and used `\Twig_Loader_Filesystem` instead.
- Added support of Yii's aliases.
- Added `set()` that allows setting object properties.
- Chg #3535: Syntax changes:
- Removed `form_begin`, `form_end` (samdark)
- Added `use()` and `ViewRenderer::uses` that are importing classes and namespaces (grachov, samdark)
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ class Extension extends \Twig_Extension
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('path', [$this, 'path']),
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('url', [$this, 'url']),
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('void', function(){}),
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('set', [$this, 'setProperty']),
$options = array_merge($options, [
......@@ -187,6 +188,11 @@ class Extension extends \Twig_Extension
return Url::to(array_merge([$path], $args), true);
public function setProperty($object, $property, $value)
$object->$property = $value;
* @inheritdoc
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
* @license
namespace yii\twig;
* Twig view file loader class.
* @author dev-mraj <>
class FileLoader implements \Twig_LoaderInterface
* @var string Path to directory
private $_dir;
* @param string $dir path to directory
public function __construct($dir)
$this->_dir = $dir;
* Compare a file's freshness with previously stored timestamp
* @param string $name file name to check
* @param integer $time timestamp to compare with
* @return boolean true if file is still fresh and not changes, false otherwise
public function isFresh($name, $time)
return filemtime($this->getFilePath($name)) <= $time;
* Get the source of given file name
* @param string $name file name
* @return string contents of given file name
public function getSource($name)
return file_get_contents($this->getFilePath($name));
* Get unique key that can represent this file uniquely among other files.
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function getCacheKey($name)
return $this->getFilePath($name);
* internally used to get absolute path of given file name
* @param string $name file name
* @return string absolute path of file
protected function getFilePath($name)
return $this->_dir . '/' . $name;
......@@ -143,7 +143,12 @@ class ViewRenderer extends BaseViewRenderer
public function render($view, $file, $params)
$this->twig->addGlobal('this', $view);
$this->twig->setLoader(new FileLoader(dirname($file)));
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem(dirname($file));
foreach (Yii::$aliases as $alias => $path) {
$loader->addPath($path, substr($alias, 1));
return $this->twig->render(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_BASENAME), $params);
......@@ -69,6 +69,30 @@ class ViewRendererTest extends TestCase
$this->assertTrue(strpos($content, 'variable') !== false, 'variable should be there:' . $content);
public function testInheritance()
$view = $this->mockView();
$content = $view->renderFile('@yiiunit/extensions/twig/views/extends2.twig');
$this->assertTrue(strpos($content, 'Hello, I\'m inheritance test!') !== false, 'Hello, I\'m inheritance test! should be there:' . $content);
$this->assertTrue(strpos($content, 'extends2 block') !== false, 'extends2 block should be there:' . $content);
$this->assertFalse(strpos($content, 'extends1 block') !== false, 'extends1 block should not be there:' . $content);
$content = $view->renderFile('@yiiunit/extensions/twig/views/extends3.twig');
$this->assertTrue(strpos($content, 'Hello, I\'m inheritance test!') !== false, 'Hello, I\'m inheritance test! should be there:' . $content);
$this->assertTrue(strpos($content, 'extends3 block') !== false, 'extends3 block should be there:' . $content);
$this->assertFalse(strpos($content, 'extends1 block') !== false, 'extends1 block should not be there:' . $content);
public function testChangeTitle()
$view = $this->mockView();
$view->title = 'Original title';
$content = $view->renderFile('@yiiunit/extensions/twig/views/changeTitle.twig');
$this->assertTrue(strpos($content, 'New title') !== false, 'New title should be there:' . $content);
$this->assertFalse(strpos($content, 'Original title') !== false, 'Original title should not be there:' . $content);
* Mocks view instance
* @return View
{{ set(this, 'title', 'New title') }}
<title>{{ this.title }}</title>
\ No newline at end of file
Hello, I'm inheritance test!
{% block test %}
extends1 block
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "extends1.twig" %}
{% block test %}
extends2 block
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
{% extends "@yiiunit/extensions/twig/views/extends1.twig" %}
{% block test %}
extends3 block
{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
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