Commit e7e00bc9 by funson86

new translation

parent 5c62f65b
小部件是在 [视图]( 中使用的可重用单元,使用面向对象方式创建复杂和可配置用户界面单元。
like the following:
Widgets are reusable building blocks used in [views]( to create complex and configurable user
interface elements in an object-oriented fashion. For example, a date picker widget may generate a fancy date picker
that allows users to pick a date as their input. All you need to do is just to insert the code in a view
like the following:
......@@ -18,25 +12,16 @@ use yii\jui\DatePicker;
<?= DatePicker::widget(['name' => 'date']) ?>
Yii提供许多优秀的小部件,比如[[yii\widgets\ActiveForm|active form]], [yii\widgets\Menu|menu]],
Yii提供许多优秀的小部件,比如[[yii\widgets\ActiveForm|active form]], [yii\widgets\Menu|menu]],
[jQuery UI widgets](, [Twitter Bootstrap widgets](
There are a good number of widgets bundled with Yii, such as [[yii\widgets\ActiveForm|active form]],
[[yii\widgets\Menu|menu]], [jQuery UI widgets](, [Twitter Bootstrap widgets](
In the following, we will introduce the basic knowledge about widgets. Please refer to the class API documentation
if you want to learn about the usage of a particular widget.
## 使用小部件 <a name="using-widgets"></a>
## Using Widgets <a name="using-widgets"></a>
小部件基本上在[views](中使用,在视图中可调用 [[yii\base\Widget::widget()]] 方法使用小部件。
该方法使用 [配置]( 数组初始化小部件并返回小部件渲染后的结果。
Widgets are primarily used in [views]( You can call the [[yii\base\Widget::widget()]] method
to use a widget in a view. The method takes a [configuration]( array for initializing
the widget and returns the rendering result of the widget. For example, the following code inserts a date picker
widget which is configured to use Russian language and keep the input in the `from_date` attribute of `$model`.
......@@ -55,11 +40,6 @@ use yii\jui\DatePicker;
一些小部件可在[[yii\base\Widget::begin()]] 和 [[yii\base\Widget::end()]] 调用中使用数据内容。Some widgets can take a block of content which should be enclosed between the invocation of
小部件会在`begin()` 和0 `end()`执行处分别生成`<form>`的开始标签和结束标签,中间的任何代码也会被渲染。
Some widgets can take a block of content which should be enclosed between the invocation of
[[yii\base\Widget::begin()]] and [[yii\base\Widget::end()]]. For example, the following code uses the
[[yii\widgets\ActiveForm]] widget to generate a login form. The widget will generate the opening and closing
`<form>` tags at the place where `begin()` and `end()` are called, respectively. Anything in between will be
rendered as is.
......@@ -82,24 +62,18 @@ use yii\helpers\Html;
注意和调用 [[yii\base\Widget::widget()]] 返回渲染结果不同,
调用 [[yii\base\Widget::begin()]] 方法返回一个可组建小部件内容的小部件实例。
Note that unlike [[yii\base\Widget::widget()]] which returns the rendering result of a widget, the method
[[yii\base\Widget::begin()]] returns an instance of the widget which you can use to build the widget content.
## 创建小部件 <a name="creating-widgets"></a>
## Creating Widgets <a name="creating-widgets"></a>
继承 [[yii\base\Widget]] 类并覆盖 [[yii\base\Widget::init()]] 和/或
[[yii\base\Widget::run()]] 方法可创建小部件。通常`init()` 方法处理小部件属性,
[[yii\base\Widget::run()]] 方法可创建小部件。通常`init()` 方法处理小部件属性,
`run()` 方法包含小部件生成渲染结果的代码。
To create a widget, extend from [[yii\base\Widget]] and override the [[yii\base\Widget::init()]] and/or
[[yii\base\Widget::run()]] methods. Usually, the `init()` method should contain the code that normalizes the widget
properties, while the `run()` method should contain the code that generates the rendering result of the widget.
The rendering result may be directly "echoed" or returned as a string by `run()`.
In the following example, `HelloWidget` HTML-encodes and displays the content assigned to its `message` property.
If the property is not set, it will display "Hello World" by default.
如下代码中`HelloWidget`编码并显示赋给`message` 属性的值,
如果属性没有被赋值,默认会显示"Hello World"。
namespace app\components;
......@@ -127,7 +101,6 @@ class HelloWidget extends Widget
To use this widget, simply insert the following code in a view:
......@@ -137,8 +110,6 @@ use app\components\HelloWidget;
Below is a variant of `HelloWidget` which takes the content enclosed within the `begin()` and `end()` calls,
HTML-encodes it and then displays it.
namespace app\components;
......@@ -163,14 +134,9 @@ class HelloWidget extends Widget
As you can see, PHP output buffer is started in `init()` so that any output between the calls of `init()` and `run()`
can be captured, processed and returned in `run()`.
> 补充: 当你调用 [[yii\base\Widget::begin()]] 时会创建一个新的小部件实例并在构造结束时调用`init()`方法,
> Info: When you call [[yii\base\Widget::begin()]], a new instance of the widget will be created and the `init()` method
will be called at the end of the widget constructor. When you call [[yii\base\Widget::end()]], the `run()` method
will be called whose return result will be echoed by `end()`.
如下代码显示如何使用这种 `HelloWidget`:
......@@ -187,9 +153,6 @@ use app\components\HelloWidget;
Sometimes, a widget may need to render a big chunk of content. While you can embed the content within the `run()`
method, a better approach is to put it in a [view]( and call [[yii\base\Widget::render()]] to
render it. For example,
public function run()
......@@ -201,33 +164,17 @@ public function run()
假如上述示例小部件类文件在`@app/components`下,会渲染`@app/components/views/hello.php`视图文件。 You may override
By default, views for a widget should be stored in files in the `WidgetPath/views` directory, where `WidgetPath`
stands for the directory containing the widget class file. Therefore, the above example will render the view file
`@app/components/views/hello.php`, assuming the widget class is located under `@app/components`. You may override
the [[yii\base\Widget::getViewPath()]] method to customize the directory containing the widget view files.
## 最佳实践 <a name="best-practices"></a>
## Best Practices <a name="best-practices"></a>
Widgets are an object-oriented way of reusing view code.
When creating widgets, you should still follow the MVC pattern. In general, you should keep logic in widget
classes and keep presentation in [views](
但是当小部件需要外部资源如CSS, JavaScript, 图片等会比较棘手,
幸运的时候Yii提供 [资源包]( 来解决这个问题。
which can be utilized to solve the problem.
Widgets should be designed to be self-contained. That is, when using a widget, you should be able to just drop
it in a view without doing anything else. This could be tricky if a widget requires external resources, such as
CSS, JavaScript, images, etc. Fortunately, Yii provides the support for [asset bundles](,
which can be utilized to solve the problem.
When a widget contains view code only, it is very similar to a [view]( In fact, in this case,
their only difference is that a widget is a redistributable class, while a view is just a plain PHP script
that you would prefer to keep it within your application.
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