Commit 6879db3f by Qiang Xue

typo fixes [skip ci]

parent 4ad71723
......@@ -70,43 +70,41 @@ With such a template file, you can generate your fixtures using the commands lik
# generate fixtures for the users table based on users fixture template
php yii fixture/generate users
php yii fixture/generate User
# also a short version of this command ("generate" action is default)
php yii fixture users
php yii fixture User
# to generate several fixtures data files, use "," as a separator, for example:
php yii fixture users,profile,some_other_name
# to generate several fixture data files
php yii fixture User Profile Team
In the code above "users" is template name, after this command run, new file named same as template
will be created under the fixtures path (by default ```@tests/unit/fixtures```) folder.
You can generate fixtures for all templates by specifying keyword ```all```. You dont need to worry about if data file
directory already created or not, if not - it will be created by these command.
In the code above `users` is template name. After running this command, a new file with the same template name
will be created under the fixture path in the `@tests/unit/fixtures`) folder.
php yii fixture/generate all
php yii fixture/generate-all
This command will generate fixtures for all template files that are stored under template path and
store fixtures under fixtures path with file names same as templates names.
You can specify how many fixtures per file you need by the second parameter. In the code below we generate
You can specify how many fixtures per file you need by the `--count` option. In the code below we generate
all fixtures and in each file there will be 3 rows (fixtures).
php yii fixture/generate all 3
php yii fixture/generate-all --count=3
You can specify different options of this command:
# generate fixtures in russian language
php yii fixture/generate users 5 --language='ru_RU'
php yii fixture/generate User --count=5 --language='ru_RU'
# read templates from the other path
php yii fixture/generate all --templatePath='@app/path/to/my/custom/templates'
php yii fixture/generate-all --templatePath='@app/path/to/my/custom/templates'
# generate fixtures into other directory.
php yii fixture/generate all --fixtureDataPath='@tests/acceptance/fixtures/data'
php yii fixture/generate-all --fixtureDataPath='@tests/acceptance/fixtures/data'
You also can create your own data providers for custom tables fields, see [Faker]( library guide for more info;
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